Sunday, September 21, 2014

20 months and moving forward!

This month i must say.. My baby girl is now turning into a little girl!

Nowadays, she doesn't cry anymore going to school and happily says "bye!" to her dad even if he's still carrying her! 

She can also eat by herself now, scooping food using her spoon.

Sesame noodles. She loves tofu! 

She can follow dance steps and pick up words faster. Currently, she can identify all shapes and colors already

She can understand and speak mandarin!

She knows how to appreciate things already, like "nice" and "pretty" when she sees a dress or clothing at a store, or when she wears one. 

She knows when to say "sorry" and "thank you" and says it often. "Please" is a little difficult for her to pronounce, but we'll work our way on that.

Starting to like Japanese food yay!

Two more days til she turns 21 months I hope I can focus again on her toilet training! :p 
