Friday, March 6, 2015

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Simone is a lot bigger now and can speak compared last year, so a few days before Chinese New Year, I began teaching her to say, Happy New Year, and Gong Xi Fa Cai. So funny when she wakes up, "Gong Xi Fa Cai!" is the first thing she says with a sleepy face haha.

Her grandmother and great grandma got her like, 4 red dresses and cheongsams! and I bought 2 (none were red) even before they gave me those. geez! How can I maximize those. haha

First was in her school:

Dunno where she got this pose though! haha.

Arte pose

Fun with her friend. Hi teacher Emma! haha

With her cute lantern made with ang bao packets.

Our early CNY feast!

"Class" picture haha!

Simone's class!

Eve of CNY

Flowers, ruffles, and ribbon.  Once in a blue moon will do lol

Hubs and my brother-in-law

Day 1- Visited relatives

INLOVE with this modern cheongsam! From Camouflage

Love this photo!

The once in a blue moon couple shot haha

Bonding with her cuzzos. what!

He was exhausted after playing with these two!

Or I mean 4!

Some photos with ah ma's

Last year and this year! 

Hand in hand.

I wasn't able to take family photos FAIL! why oh why. I don't see them taking photos either, so, i guess they're not into photos (?)

2nd day

Stayed at Ah mah's house as relatives will visit. Boy, the house was packed!

Floral dress for her and Frozen dresses for K&K

3rd day, We visited some relatives and drove off to the CNY Hong Bao River Carnival! It's a first time for Simone and I so it was exciting! I wasn't able to take nice photos though, but it was worth the visit.

Floral dress from Camouflage

Insisted to wear her headband like that.

The three musketeers

Carnival Photos! I'm super sad coz we didn't get to see the rides. But whatevs haha

Super crowded but fun!

Simone, Moi, Kernice and Ivy.

My favorite-the tree haha

I love this shot!

Super tired but worth all the binging!!! Gong Xi Gong Xi!
