Sunday, May 31, 2015

Peppa Pig is in Town!

Simone and I had a date night and just watched the Peppa Pig Treasure Hunt show at Resorts World Theatre Sentosa! It lasted for more than an hour (there was a break in between) but it was very entertaining! It's not Peppa Pig in a mascot, but in a form of puppets and the cast did a great job!

I went home with a british accent! I remember the times when I was still working (or even when I was in high school changing accents just for fun)  in the hotel and I would change accents depending on the guest I'm assisting (i.e. british guest, i switch to british accent). I'm not a huge Peppa Pig fan, but I'm secretly hoping Simone would adapt the british accent haha:) And I want to expose her to shows and plays too. I'm so glad she can appreciate shows like this, she sang and danced, best of all, she can understand and follow, like when the cast asked them to shout their names, and she did. Or follows the steps of the dance and raises her hands and sing! Adorbs!

The theatre was full house! Our seats were at the middle aisle, just perfect. Best seats in the house cost $108, and when I found out that Manila's show seats are selling more expensive, I quickly booked ours! I saw families, some even brought their helpers, father and son, and of course mom and daughter/son. Oh, and not to mention kiddies in their best attire!!

I'm terribly sorry I used my iphone camera and not an actual camera because I couldn't find my battery charger for the nth time! 

Bad lighting but still all smiles

Thank God for booster seats.

Date night.

Powder pink tutu dress, cardi and maryjanes.

That pose though.

When in Sentosa..

Mommmm I can't!

Waiting for Disney shows next!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bath Time Just Got Upgraded!

Let me just say that my alone time, which is shower time, is gone. Me and Simone always shower together, sure it is fun and at the same time she bugs me a lot haha. I started giving her sand/water toys, but she always wants the shower running. Waste of water. Well I have found the solution....

Tadahhhh! Now I can shower in peace. Amen. Well she only asks for more bubbles:)

ELC Water and Sand Table.

I wish I could bring this to the park nearby because there is a sandy playground there, but it is just too bulky to bring even if I dismantle it.. Nevertheless, it's a great way to play instead of using her ipad:) She could play for hours! I'm going to add more bath toys soon!


Friday, May 22, 2015

Simone is Diaper-Free!

Only moms would understand.

Success! Simone is diaper-free at 2 years old and 4 months! It started out last saturday May 4, when I brought her out to the mall. Disclaimer: I did not pressure/stress her at all. :)

Tips for public toilet training:

1. Upon arriving, know where the restrooms are and ask your child if she wants to pee.

  1.1. If she says no, (well maybe they're scared) you have to be the example. You have to pee to show her that this is the place to be! 

I asked Simone, and she said no. never mind, I told her i wanted to pee, so we went inside the cubicle. After seeing me pee, she said, "Simone's turn!" 

*Some kids are scared of the auto flush, you can bring post-its and just stick it there while she pees.

2. Count the hours

If you are not sure, you can always take her to the loo every hour or so. Take note that she should be toilet trained enough to hold her pee for a long time. It also depends on her liquid intake. If she drank half a bottle of water, you may want to take her in about 45 minutes. 

3. Tools!

We all know that public toilets have germs (duh) and we don't want them to sit directly on the toilet seat. You may purchase some items and try which one works for you. I bought all of them because I'm a crazy momma!

1. Disposable toilet seat cover.

Lifesaver, works best for me.

This was the first thing I used on Simone until now, and it was great. It has adhesives so it stays in place. And the size is extra big that covers everything.

2. Portable toilet seat cover

You can buy from here !!

3. 2-in-1 portable toilet - Great for travel, or if you are at the beach!

Must have!

Purchase here

5. Portable Urinal (for car)

Purchase  here!

6. Anti-bacterial wipes

7. Liquid soap

For night training:

1. Make sure to cover up your mattress with a water proof mattress protector first.

2. Place a small sized mattress protector on top of the bed where she sleeps, so that you only need to wash that instead of the whole bed protector. You can sew some velcros to keep them in place. Buy 2!

I'm just kind of lazy to wash the huge mattress protector lol.
                                                                   I bought them here.

3. Place her potty beside the bed so you don't need to rush her to the loo at midnight.

4. Prepare some clothes for changing in case your child pees:)

For toddlers: (Do 1 & 2 a week before you start)

1. Drink plenty of water during the day, lesser at night

2. Avoid giving liquids 1 hour before sleeping time. 

3. Ask your child to pee before sleeping and remind them that they are not wearing diapers anymore      at night.

4. You may try to wake them up let's say after 3-4 hours and ask if they want to pee.

*Simone slept more than 8 hours without peeing on her first night. I was impressed. Second day onwards, she pees at around 4am. She wakes up by herself (annoyed haha), and I assist her to pee. Some nights, she has accidents, didn't make it on her potty and pees on the floor. But still, not on the bed. Some days she peed on the bed. Accidents are okay as long as they understand the concept:) No need to stress them out, just explain again and again like a crazy momma. :)

Moms, you need to accept the fact the you need to monitor your child at night, plus you know, soaking and washing urine stained clothes! Don't let it dry and soak it right away, the smell will be harder to remove.  Haha. Good Luck!
