Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cannes Film Festival 2013

I'm always looking for events like this! I love looking at beautiful dresses and dream it as mine! Haha here are my best picks!! 

Jessica Biel in Marchesa

I feel that this dress perfectly fits her, it's formal but not too heavy thanks to the bottom part of her dress which is the highlight! I love it!

Doutzen Kroes in Atelier Versace

Spell effortless! One look and you know it's Versace because of its trademark sexy cuts. Sure fits a Victoria's Secret Angel! 

Rooney Mara in Calvin Klein

Finally she wore somethig that's not black and white! This nude number is great for any occasion but I just wished she could have it spiced up a bit with a statement neckpiece or a pair of bold earrings and a different shoe color, like red stilletos!

Cara Delavigne in Burberry

I just love the whole look! Smokey eyes, red lips and laced number. Speechless haha!

Diane Kruger in Nina Ricci

This is just so chic! It's a light,fun girly dress perfect for summer. I felt relaxed!  

Carey Mulligan in Christian Dior

My bet!! Winner!! I love everything, it's so simple and elegant and perfect! Just immaculate. Winner for best makeup too. 

That's it! Now let me go to dreamland... 


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lactacyd Baby Bath for baby..and mommy?

I can't believe this has made my baby's skin softer and glowing from its first use no kidding! My little one has neck rash and my SIL (sister-in-law) told me to use this to clear, however, i was a little hesitant since i use 100% organic products, and the words "lactic acid" sounds a bit too harsh to me haha. But I decided to give it try since my SIL already has 3 kids of course she knows better! haha! My only complain is that why didn't I buy it sooner?:)

P.S. I researched the net about it (yup I really do it before buying just about anything haha) and a lot of women use it too for their face....and yes I tried it this evening and now I'm thinking about using it again tomorrow!! My skin is just so soft! yup lactic acid for the face. weird for me. according to health.howstuffworks.com , Lactic acid is derived from sour or fermented milk, and is a popular beauty aid for those seeking to improve their skin's texture and hydration level. 

She just woke up in this photo. See that glow? her skin is just so rosy-milky and supple!

My face is usually pale but it's now kinda rosy!

Excuse my eye luggage! all photos are not photoshopped.

Just love my skin now. no moisturizer whatsoever in this photo.

Accidental discovery!I'm obsessed with it, I asked my sister to try too haha! Simone may kaagaw ka na!

tootles for now!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Health is wealth!

I was a super skinny girl and I eat whatever I want until i got pregnant. Since then, i have been watching what i eat --back of the labels, one example is that before i buy food, i NEEDED to check the INTERNET first if it's safe or what are the benefits for me or/and my baby. Talk about paranoid!  I hated all food and products with preservatives and anything with too much chemicals as it may harm my baby. Yes, that became permanent in me and I love it because it helped me become more aware of what's good and bad for you. In short, I started to live healthy.

Well in the food section, slowly i began to gaze away from fastfood-- hotdogs, sausages, those processed meat products. I may have a frankfurter once in a while :) Looking at fried chicken now makes me want to barf sometimes, there's a difference in the oil to fry it. BBQ (stands for Best of The Best Quality) Chicken restaurant from Korea uses olive oil so that's guilt-free. I also try to avoid drinking Coke and all cold stuff out there. We can't really avoid them because of the busy lives we have, but we can eat them in moderation.
BBQ Chicken fried in Olive oil.

I just did the opposite of what I don't do: 
-eat as much vegetables/fruits as I can every meal everyday (I know it's hard but i try)
-drinking 2 liters of water and avoiding soda
-limiting desserts (one serving is enough), or replacing sweet desserts to fruits.
-making time to exercise, no excuses! :)

And it feels good it is weird haha! I wish we have a calorie counter in all restos, just like in Korea (haha yes I love Korea:0) so we would know how much we are getting.

Of course, there are the lazy days, cravings, all I do once in a while. hahah! I don't mind trying yummy food too! like right now I want this
hahaha I know where to buy it but I'm still restraining myself!!! 

Just watch what you eat!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blogging again!

This is just so random! Yes 4:40am i decided to create a blog because :
 A.) I can't sleep.
 B.) So I think/worry about a gazillion things and I'd rather type them.
 C.) I'm a stay-at-home mom. For now.

Yay for blogging!! The name I came up with is just that all of the names I wanted were not available. Yep let me live up to it! Excuse my profile and blog look, i still have a lot to arrange here..

   Happy reading!
