Friday, May 17, 2013

Health is wealth!

I was a super skinny girl and I eat whatever I want until i got pregnant. Since then, i have been watching what i eat --back of the labels, one example is that before i buy food, i NEEDED to check the INTERNET first if it's safe or what are the benefits for me or/and my baby. Talk about paranoid!  I hated all food and products with preservatives and anything with too much chemicals as it may harm my baby. Yes, that became permanent in me and I love it because it helped me become more aware of what's good and bad for you. In short, I started to live healthy.

Well in the food section, slowly i began to gaze away from fastfood-- hotdogs, sausages, those processed meat products. I may have a frankfurter once in a while :) Looking at fried chicken now makes me want to barf sometimes, there's a difference in the oil to fry it. BBQ (stands for Best of The Best Quality) Chicken restaurant from Korea uses olive oil so that's guilt-free. I also try to avoid drinking Coke and all cold stuff out there. We can't really avoid them because of the busy lives we have, but we can eat them in moderation.
BBQ Chicken fried in Olive oil.

I just did the opposite of what I don't do: 
-eat as much vegetables/fruits as I can every meal everyday (I know it's hard but i try)
-drinking 2 liters of water and avoiding soda
-limiting desserts (one serving is enough), or replacing sweet desserts to fruits.
-making time to exercise, no excuses! :)

And it feels good it is weird haha! I wish we have a calorie counter in all restos, just like in Korea (haha yes I love Korea:0) so we would know how much we are getting.

Of course, there are the lazy days, cravings, all I do once in a while. hahah! I don't mind trying yummy food too! like right now I want this
hahaha I know where to buy it but I'm still restraining myself!!! 

Just watch what you eat!


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