Thursday, February 27, 2014

Smart baby

We are all proud of our own bundle of joy.   Last february 24, i officially declared that Simone can fully understand and follow directions.

 1st incident:

Me: 'Simmie, get baby(stuffed toy) and give to daddy.'

*Simone goes to the toy and picks it up, gave it to her dad.

2nd Incident:

 Simone goes to the room and climbed to the bed

Me: 'simmie, come down and follow mommy.' 

And she did. 

February 25, she went up to me, carrying an empty clean bottle, put inside her mouth and gave it to me. She wants milk. Oh my god!!!! The next thing you know she's already talking!

She already knows our routines too.

Today, when we woke up, she went down from the bed and turned off the fan. cute.
Everytime she bathes, I will ask her, "Let's go? finished?" and she will stand up and wait for me to lift her. She will also ask me to read books before we sleep! oh my...

Time flies. Literally.


Monday, February 24, 2014

A little girl can never have too many shoes!

What would you do if you see a clearance sale of toddler shoes but you think you already have enough? Ding ding ding ding!!!!

Well, i just made some investments for the future. 

Cute aren't they? All from George at John Little in Plaza Singapura

Hahaha! Yes they're investments! I bought 4pairs in big sizes. Now she is just almost size 21 but i bought 22 and 23. Got them from George in Plaza Singapura. Deal is buy one take one (lower priced item will be the free) so the 2 higher priced items i got cost s$25 each, became s$12.50 each, and take home another 2 pairs:) total cost is s$25 for 4 pairs so it's like s$6.25 each pair. i'm sooo happy.

I bought three other pairs recently and yup another 4 is kind of over the top but its fine as she won't get to use it till maybe late this year. 

Zebra print high-cut sneakers from H&M
White sandals from George
Minnie Mouse sneakers from George

Ohhh. Now where can i find some metallic flats? Her bronze and gold shoes were still soft soles. 

Meanwhile, here is my OOTD 

Nothing branded except my Doc Martens in cherry red

Mother and daughter OOTD

Tried various hats at H&M and this is the only one she didn't throw lol
Played a bit at 313 Somerset playground
That's all for now.



Saturday, February 22, 2014

Port Of Lost Wonder

I've been dying to bring Simone to Port Of Lost Wonder in Sentosa for the last few months and I figured I'd bring her there on my birthday (so that hubby won't contradict me- he def won't go there because its too far) and I'm just so happy I did! You won't believe how much it cost: $10(weekday) minus $2(NTUC member) =$8!! Super worth it.

Its a huge ship! 

Simone starting to enjoy


You can't disturb her now.

Father & daughter

Fambam pic

That's a fold not fats!! hahaha defensive!

Unfortunately, Simone is too young to participate in their activities but whatevs! We'll definitely be regulars here!!! 



I'm Alive!!!!!!

hellooooo! i'm still breathing!

I finally have the time to blog again. Let me explain.

We are here in Singapore again, and I live alone with my daughter during the day (hubby leaves 9am and comes home 11pm:( and in-laws leave at 5am and come home at 10pm) that's why I'm crazy busy.
Even if hubby is off day, I still do the work, not complaining though, he needs to rest too and I know Simone's routine already, so playtime and bath time are his contributions.

I wish i had created this blog waay back when she was born so I have something to look back, but yeah it's never too late!

Today, we just hanged out all day at home and played at the playground.

Made these yummy sweet potato fries (but they're baked)!!!! I mixed Extra virgin olive oil, raw sugar and cinnamon and dipped the taters, put them on a baking tray, drizzled the leftover oil and yumyum!

Simone after drinking her smoothieeeee. She has scab on one side of her nose because yesterday at the playground she tripped herself and fell. and rolled (weird) 

Her BFF for the day. they were laughing at each other super cutieeee

Hubby came home and surprised me with this!!! well its a belated birthday gift. I told him I still want a Hurom juicer. haha

A day well spent. 

