Saturday, February 22, 2014

I'm Alive!!!!!!

hellooooo! i'm still breathing!

I finally have the time to blog again. Let me explain.

We are here in Singapore again, and I live alone with my daughter during the day (hubby leaves 9am and comes home 11pm:( and in-laws leave at 5am and come home at 10pm) that's why I'm crazy busy.
Even if hubby is off day, I still do the work, not complaining though, he needs to rest too and I know Simone's routine already, so playtime and bath time are his contributions.

I wish i had created this blog waay back when she was born so I have something to look back, but yeah it's never too late!

Today, we just hanged out all day at home and played at the playground.

Made these yummy sweet potato fries (but they're baked)!!!! I mixed Extra virgin olive oil, raw sugar and cinnamon and dipped the taters, put them on a baking tray, drizzled the leftover oil and yumyum!

Simone after drinking her smoothieeeee. She has scab on one side of her nose because yesterday at the playground she tripped herself and fell. and rolled (weird) 

Her BFF for the day. they were laughing at each other super cutieeee

Hubby came home and surprised me with this!!! well its a belated birthday gift. I told him I still want a Hurom juicer. haha

A day well spent. 



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