Thursday, December 4, 2014

Indoor Playgrounds

There are a LOT of indoor AND outdoor playgrounds everywhere in Singapore! But back then, I used to think indoor playgrounds are a little impractical because why go indoor and spend around at least $20 when there's more fun outside? Well, that changed!

Another reason was Simone's age.  When she turned 18 months, I started to get interested and searched for indoor playgrounds but didn't have the time to go, until last wednesday, which was a holiday. I had been eyeing Polliwogs in Vivo City but great thing their new brach at Suntec had just opened. Talk about perfect timing!

I asked hubby if he can follow her around and confidently said yes. But after one round, haha he was so exhausted already.

 Videos are better:)

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate that many indoor playgrounds in Singapore are conveniently located within shopping malls, which allows parents to combine errands with a fun-filled playtime for their children. It's a win-win situation!
