Friday, September 9, 2016

Hiatus Ends!

Been super busy since I started studying and working again... and a bun in the oven!  All at the same time! How do I keep up? Sleep, sleep, sleep literally everywhere!

Simone is now 3 years and 9 months old and she is just so amusing to talk to! A while ago after she washed her hands from paint, she went to me and said, "Mommy, my hand is BACK TO NORMAL!" , in straight american english, and the way she talked was like I may not understand her clearly!

She also likes to correct me whenever I say something wrong or something... so cute! I try to test her with grammar and she can identify. She uses past and present tense words and the like.  It's super fun to talk and teach her with grammar cos she can follow it..

I still have a lot of stories to catch up!



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