Friday, December 5, 2014

1, 2, 3, 4... Hi-5!

Oh my gosh been waiting for this day! I promised Simone that I will take her to a Hi-5 show this year, and I promise again, next year!!! Spell F-U-N! She seriously knows every song AND the dance LOL.

"Ah-fai, ah-fai, ah-fai (Hi-5)?" She kept saying as she saw a signboard of HI-5.  By the way, it was held at the Star Theater at Buona Vista. My first time there, the place is so nice! After redeeming the ticket, we had lunch first at Porn's Sexy Thai Food (--Seriously, that's the name and their thai red curry is THEE best. plus the pad thai) and hubs saw some little girls wearing fairy wings with Hi-5 logo. "Wonder where they got the wings." He said. Haha. Figured. So when we went to the theater, outside they were selling merchandise. I bought the fairy wings right away.

The kids can dance in front just like how you see them in videos, and the parents stand on the side to watch over their kids. Me and Simone just watched on our seats (next year baby!). She seriously watched while singing and dancing. I saw at least 3 pregnant women near our seat.  Taking pictures and videos are not allowed, but people still took. I joined in:) As long as it's discreet and there's no flash, I think it's okay. They weren't strict either.

We're very near!


When you wish upon a..

So many animals, set them free!

Simone's fairy wings

 Bought her a balloon afterwards but the balloon quickly got detached from the string so it flew away and Simone was like, "What happend?" with 2 hands on her cheeks and sad face. I explained to her and was still sad. She LOVES balloons to death! Awww. We went back to buy a pillow instead because I want the pillow haha. I saw the manager and told her what happend, and she quickly gave Simone a new one yay!

 We went around the mall afterwards. The Christmas decorations were so nice!

"Where's my king?"

There's a choo-choo train here but it was still closed.

My dugyot fairy

Aftermath!!!!! I love the pillow! and my Hello Panda pillow:)
Til next year!:)



Thursday, December 4, 2014

Indoor Playgrounds

There are a LOT of indoor AND outdoor playgrounds everywhere in Singapore! But back then, I used to think indoor playgrounds are a little impractical because why go indoor and spend around at least $20 when there's more fun outside? Well, that changed!

Another reason was Simone's age.  When she turned 18 months, I started to get interested and searched for indoor playgrounds but didn't have the time to go, until last wednesday, which was a holiday. I had been eyeing Polliwogs in Vivo City but great thing their new brach at Suntec had just opened. Talk about perfect timing!

I asked hubby if he can follow her around and confidently said yes. But after one round, haha he was so exhausted already.

 Videos are better:)

Style: Starting Young

"She didn't want to wear the uniform." Hubby informed me as I saw her uniform still hanging in her closet when I got home. Hmm, that's fab, I think she's starting to realize that she can choose what to wear! And from there it begins! But first it started with the footwear:) ugh, just recently I got her some metallic "mandals" and she doesn't want to wear it! (update: now, she loves it)

Mandals from Cotton On

Arte  pose

She loves florals!

Right after she showers and enters the room, she would go immediately to her closet and see her clothes! Last saturday she saw her blue dress from H&M and said, "Blue, blue." I told her, "It's a little chilly, please wear this." , while holding her long sleeve dress.   She took it and wore it on her head. I'm glad I have a limited but great clothes for her to choose though! I think this is a good time to let her choose from clothing stores. But no, not going to spoil her, just see what she likes. I buy her clothes, and she chooses from her closet. Mama still has to approve and is still the stylist haha!

This post was meant to be for November 11! Oh myyy



Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Every year i look forward to this occasion! It's the time to really dress up your kids!! Last year, I already saw this Wonder Woman costume but there's no size for Simone. I told my mom to keep checking (haha) the store since she frequents that place, and finally one day, she sent a photo of the costume. She bought it already yay! My problem was the boots. Ugh, I don't want to spend money on red boots. Thank God for Pinterest again for saving my life-- I found a cute pair of pink Barbie  rubber boots, bought electric tapes and wrapped it up! 

When Simone saw it the next day, she threw a tantrum and attempted to remove the tape!!! Her reaction was priceless. She loves her boots and wears it everyday haha!

Anyway, Simone was cranky (at first) at the trick-or-treat due to mama's lost in translation, I mean, lost in TRANSIT haha! As usual, I missed the stop but I thought I rode the correct bus, but I'm supposed to take the opposite side bus! GRR. The place was at Woodgrove in Woodlands.

Welfie with cranky Wonder Woman!

I love seeing so many people in costumes! And decorated houses!

Simone cried and ran to me super scared! She saw this zombie murderer guy. Wahaha.

I promise next year I will dress up too! 
In case you noticed, there are more foreigners, particularly Americans because this is an American community. I wish I live in this estate! The houses are so beautiful! Like Wisteria Lane (Desperate Housewives) I miss living in a house though.


Dogs too! I saw a lot of dogs dressed up!

Hi again;p

Dinner at Loy Kee!

This kids sure knows how to pose.

Trying to..but can't! bwahaha

Ok fine, as long as you don't go in and out of Loy Kee!!!

Running to save the world...

But first, let's shop at Fair Price!

spell A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E

Simone was starstrucked with a full grown Elsa! LOL
There were a lot of little girls dressed up as Elsa, and Simone would only identify Elsa, and sing Let It Go! hahah

Simone was scared by this.

A lot of people. Did I mention a lot of Filipinos too?

Haggardo na.

With cranky Cinderella.


Flying? No, she's lifting her spag straps that are falling off her shoulders LOL

Hi Wonder Little Woman!

Best.Photo.Ever. Bwahaahah! One for the books.

Anyare sa damit mo? hihi

Cuteness overload on this family!!! 

This car's trunk is where they give out sweets.

huhhh. Well, that was a popcorn and a Starbucks drink. Fail shot LOL.

Some puppetry. If you clap, it will dance. cute.

There are a lot more but I wasn't able to capture them anymore. Seeing and admiring them was enough. Hmmm so what costume will be next? Can't wait for next year!!!!

Happy Halloween Y'all!

