Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Every year i look forward to this occasion! It's the time to really dress up your kids!! Last year, I already saw this Wonder Woman costume but there's no size for Simone. I told my mom to keep checking (haha) the store since she frequents that place, and finally one day, she sent a photo of the costume. She bought it already yay! My problem was the boots. Ugh, I don't want to spend money on red boots. Thank God for Pinterest again for saving my life-- I found a cute pair of pink Barbie  rubber boots, bought electric tapes and wrapped it up! 

When Simone saw it the next day, she threw a tantrum and attempted to remove the tape!!! Her reaction was priceless. She loves her boots and wears it everyday haha!

Anyway, Simone was cranky (at first) at the trick-or-treat due to mama's lost in translation, I mean, lost in TRANSIT haha! As usual, I missed the stop but I thought I rode the correct bus, but I'm supposed to take the opposite side bus! GRR. The place was at Woodgrove in Woodlands.

Welfie with cranky Wonder Woman!

I love seeing so many people in costumes! And decorated houses!

Simone cried and ran to me super scared! She saw this zombie murderer guy. Wahaha.

I promise next year I will dress up too! 
In case you noticed, there are more foreigners, particularly Americans because this is an American community. I wish I live in this estate! The houses are so beautiful! Like Wisteria Lane (Desperate Housewives) I miss living in a house though.


Dogs too! I saw a lot of dogs dressed up!

Hi again;p

Dinner at Loy Kee!

This kids sure knows how to pose.

Trying to..but can't! bwahaha

Ok fine, as long as you don't go in and out of Loy Kee!!!

Running to save the world...

But first, let's shop at Fair Price!

spell A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E

Simone was starstrucked with a full grown Elsa! LOL
There were a lot of little girls dressed up as Elsa, and Simone would only identify Elsa, and sing Let It Go! hahah

Simone was scared by this.

A lot of people. Did I mention a lot of Filipinos too?

Haggardo na.

With cranky Cinderella.


Flying? No, she's lifting her spag straps that are falling off her shoulders LOL

Hi Wonder Little Woman!

Best.Photo.Ever. Bwahaahah! One for the books.

Anyare sa damit mo? hihi

Cuteness overload on this family!!! 

This car's trunk is where they give out sweets.

huhhh. Well, that was a popcorn and a Starbucks drink. Fail shot LOL.

Some puppetry. If you clap, it will dance. cute.

There are a lot more but I wasn't able to capture them anymore. Seeing and admiring them was enough. Hmmm so what costume will be next? Can't wait for next year!!!!

Happy Halloween Y'all!



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