Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday Simone!

December is indeed the busiest month of the year for me! Simone had a back-to-back-to-back birthday celebrations this year!

Since we were unable to go back to Manila this holiday season, we decided to spend Simone's birthday at Legoland! 

We had an overnight stay at Granada Hotel, which is just opposite Aeon Mall in Johor Bahru. we spent our first day at the mall because the hubby refused to go anywhere that will require us to take taxi. Well. LOL. Aeon Mall it is. It has normal stores including Daiso, Popular, and an organic store.

Not bad for S$100 per night with yummy breakky!

This is a huge mall by the way!

Playground at the mall's entrance. We're stuck already.

Can't get over this Iced Coffee from The Black Canyon!

OOTD. Cute right? bought them only at Bugis!

and this. I can't. even.

By midnight, we sang happy birthday to the terrible two! She has been super cranky since the day before. I'm expecting that. ;P

Rainbow cake!

"Mom, I know it's my birthday already, but can we sleep now?"

Love you baby girl<3


The next day we geared up for Legoland! Read it here.

We went to the waterpark first. Honestly, the waterpark is just like Sentosa. The toddler area was filled with lego which Simone had a blast:) The theme park was the best! I didn't expect so much because i'm not a Lego fan, but wow I'm so impressed!!!

We went home on the night of 29, and the next day, we celebrated her birthday in school with her friends.

Happy Birthday!

Excuse my fez. haha

Cut the cake!

"Elsa! Elsa!"

The crew.

Eat 'em cake.
Opening her goodie bag!

Frozen stationaries

We gave away some Frozen goodie bags for girls and Mickey Mouse for boys. I had no more time to buy decorations such as balloons and birthday banner but it was all well:P

Love these kiddos!

We also had one last birthday cake blown at her tai mah's (great grandmother) house.

Shall I?

Whoops got a tiny booboo there;)

"Uhm, like this right?"

"Whatevs, I want Elsa!"


 And Ahem!!! The birthday present:P

We finally got her a Cruzee!! It was meant to be. :) Simone and I went to a Polliwogs trade fair, and unexpectedly, they had a booth. Simone tried the balance bike and wouldn't get off of it! Luckily, I messaged the store months ago (but wasn't sure back then, so I didn't buy) and told him now that I want to purchase. Yup, got a discount since I went to the trade fair. yipeeeee!

She is a Cruzee baby! Happy Cruzeeng! haha

We had a blast! Next birthday is already planned! wahaha!



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