Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Princess Phase

Loving this phase. At 2 years 4 months, she chooses which princess she wants to be for the day.

Few days ago in school, she went up to me showing her hair style fixed by her teacher and said, "Mommy, look! I'm princess Belle." I was surprised that she actually mentioned a particular princess! "Wow, so you're princess Belle today huh?"

The next day, her teacher informed me that she asked her hair to be fixed, "I want Elsa hair." 

Then, yesterday, she wanted me to fix her hair, "I want princess Jasmine." 

And today, She asked, "I want (to) fix hair mommy, I want princess Ariel." haha. You mean you wanted red hair?

What!!! so tomorrow, I'm guessing Cinderella? lol 

I know where this is heading to.... princess costumes!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited now. Looking for costumes now haha!

She loves this hairstyle you can't see. haha

"Mommy, I want this one, I want dress."


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