Sunday, April 19, 2015

Toilet Training Update

Great news--for myself and the hubs.

Simone can nap without diapers! yay! She can stay dry for like 2 hours, or she will wake up and go pee. She has been diaper-less during naps for about a week now...mommies, I hope you understand how happy I am!!!!! This is like, just step 2 out of 4! First step is of course being able to toilet train (read my previous posts Toilet training- first attempt,  and Success at 22 months )Second is able to do during nap time, third is toilet training in public (yikes! I am preparing that now, will let you know how it goes soon) and the last step is of course, diaper free at night(preparing that too!)

I get it now: if I put diapers on her, that gives her the approval to pee. So she pees. But if I don't put, she will go to the toilet and pee before she sleeps, and wakes up wanting to go to the toilet right away. This afternoon, she woke up and ran to the kitchen where I was and told me she wanted to pee. I was so happy. haha. Great job, Simone. Now, let's continue this and move on to the next level: Toilet Training in Public! Eep. Still gives me the shrills!



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