Monday, June 8, 2015


"I don't want to go to school, I want to dance ballerin.." Simone told me this morning! 

Yesterday was Simone's first day in ballet class! I'm so glad she loved it! I had my ballet classes when I was 4 years old, and now there's baby ballet, so why not! It was a mummy and baby class. It was loads of fun. I'm extra happy because she can follow the steps/instructions well ("I got it from my momma"-Simone). There's also this father and daughter tandem, and a family of three! I adore these dads who attend ballet class with their daughters! We kept laughing and cheering for our kids while dancing, jumping, galloping (!) and fly like a butterfly, wave our magic wands, dancing in circles while doing tiptoes, oh now you can imagine those 2 dads! hahaha. super fun! I can't wait for next week! ooh I also want to have brunch somewhere in the east coast after that because I was so tired! 

In full gear haha.
She won't take anything off!

We went to church afterwards and Simone had her first meltdown inside the church, all because she wanted to take some toys from the little girl beside her, which she already shared :( I knew Simone really wanted those because they're Disney princesses figures with magiclip dresses (not a random like) so there I took her to Toys R Us to see if she is still interested. UH-OH unplanned damage! But I don't buy her so much toys and I know she will play these for a long time so.... yeah, excuses! 

Late lunch with the princesses.

Oh, and when she got the toys from the rack.... guess what. She peed. on the floor. at Toys R Us. I stared and froze! I didn't know what to do. Thank God not a single person was there to witness! Hmmm. I guess she got too excited. I didn't scold her. I just asked her why. Tried to find staff but there was NO ONE. So, whatever, I went to the counter and paid, and after that confessed to the cashier! Thank God they were very understanding and said they will call the maintenance...whew! ( I wanted to clean it up myself, but, then again, how)

Had a peaceful lunch though:) 

There's a RWS truck to remind us not to use plastic, and some games for kids. Simone joined a contest to take out the trash in the sea of balls. hihi. I helped.

Won a small dolphin:)

So many activities for the June holidays!!! Looking forward to the weekend (as always)!


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