Friday, June 19, 2015

Who doesn't love weekends?

June holidays are packed with so many activities for kids-- I can't keep up!

Yesterday after half-day work, I brought Simone to Suntec mall and see the display of Disney Princesses merchandise. Oh, tell me about it, she WON'T leave the place!

OOTD by Gingersnaps; shoes by Melissa

Those were returned back into the shelves:)

Her love for corn has blossomed lol

 Glad enough I did not give in to her wants. Instead, we left the place and brought her to the real joy of fun-- playgrounds!

The National Museum is having this Masak Masak event for children and they have inflatable playground by the lawn until August! Sounds like we'll be regulars there! There are different types if playgrounds for different ages, but I can't believe Simone was brave enough to climb the high ones! I was the one scared because there were big kids! There was a time when she went down the slide but 2 big boys hurriedly slide after her and fell on her and a little boy too... She cried but still continued haha.

Beautiful Place!

Absolutely free yay!

Jia You Simone lol

Outdoors are a great way to..tire your kids haha

If adults can only join in, I would!

But then, I can only watch.

Huge, right?

"I want to choo-choo train!"

What's the commotion kiddos?


The Lawn

As expected :) Now I can shop in peace.

 Sunday was packed too, ugh yes I don't get to rest on weekends, but I can't afford to waste weekends! Of course, there's ballet that can't be missed out early in the morning. It was raining, so we headed straight to Vivo City. I craved for a burger and good thing I packed food for Simone in case I can't find a decent food for her. Then we passed by the cars...

I just had to give-in this time:)

"Simone drive car." She tells me as we were walking back inside the mall. Yup, it's not a remote controlled car! At one point she didn't turn and went straight, exceeding the chain (can you see in the pic) and I quickly stopped the car!

Oh, Adventure Cove finally! But first..

Walkway before the entrance. Cool ship huh.

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Another kiddie pool

I love Adventure Cove!

"I don't want fish!" bwahaha

Sand play

At the wave pool

Made a friend

She wanted to bring it home! Good gracious.

Nope, not done yet. H&M.

Toddlers sure have the energy of a 25-year old!

Next week, or rather, every week will be packed from now on!


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