Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Long Weekend!

Singapore sure knows how to plan it right! I wish we could have spent the holidays out of the country or days longer in Manila, but hubs can't get those days off! Nevertheless, I made sure every day was spent well!!!!!

Day 1

I brought Simone to watch the Little Mermaid show (not related to Disney's) at United Square. The stage, costumes, effects (complete with smokes, bubbles!)were beautiful!

I loveeeee

You can check here for more deets!

Patiently waiting for the show to start.

So pretty right?

Super tired already huh? That's just the first stop!
Weapon of choice, but it rained! haha

We shopped a little--there's a Toys 'R Us section near the stage, and we got a small mermaid toy and bubbles for remembrance:) Bought Salted Caramel cake from Bread Talk (I liked it!) for her Tai Mah's birthday and sped off!

Happy Birthday Tai mah!

It was raining really heavy. but we still went to the first month celebration of one of our relative's baby boy.

The Three Musketeers

Busy buddies:) That little girl is so pretty!
Day 2

Simone's swim class was cancelled due to heavy rain, and so she just had her water play at home! 

There's always plan B!

We also made peanut butter choco cornflakes!


Her job lol

Before we pop in the oven!

In the afternoon we met up with my sister and visited the Cat Museum at Purvis street.  We came a little late (around just before 3pm) the cats' nap time starts at 3:30pm so they're just about ready to sleep:)  They were all so cute!

You can check more details at


Oh hello!


Mood. Open for adoptions at the 2nd floor.

Hello Sarah!

Playful kitty!

blue and green eyes!

He's always sleeping because he is 13years old already. He's so huge!

Had some afternoon snacks (I mean meals haha) at I Am Cafe

I mean pizza and burger.

Mine's Pesto Portobello Burger! 

She enjoyed this rainbow cake so much!!


Just like her aunt! kikay

Explored Haji Lane!

We still walked around Bugis area. Talk about Haggardo! We're certified mall rats/ street rats haha

Day 3

National Day!

I met up with my long time no see best friends in college!! I had no decent photos of the National Day Parade!

Simone, you don't recognize tita Macy?:)
Not feeling it, mom! wahaha



Day 4

Mallin'! It's hubs' off day, but he hates going out especially to far places, so we just had lunch at Jpot in Tampines Central. Now I know why there's always a long queue there. The food's good!

She just wanted to take out her HK headband LOL


Recycle and rework!
Simone-what-are-you-doing look haha!

Frowning Fez

I want lion! I wanna take out lion!

Not even showing yet, but she loves Inside Out especially Disgust (?)

Never miss a playground date!
Yup, this was an exhausting but worth it weekend! 


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