Friday, December 18, 2015

Dear Santa Comes Alive!

Simone's favorite book has come to life! I love Rod Campbell's books, and I quickly bought tickets once I saw the ad! We watched on the last day, December 13. I brought her book and flipped the pages as the play goes along so she could understand that they are acting it out. Oh I just love how Simone responds to each play we watch together:) Priceless! Santa Claus, Elf and Sarah interacted with the young audience like they asked the audience to blow for the kite to fly, bounced the ball to us, sing, and asked kids to come up on stage. They, I mean WE enjoyed it a lot. Haha! Definitely worth watching! We sat third row. I didn't get to watch much plays when I was young, so I'm doing it now with Simone:)

Great shot, but no flash!grr

With flash, but can't see the book. photography fail.I give up LOL

Santa's on the left and Sarah's on the right.

Santa can dance, so cute!

Whoops! Scared of the Elf! We covered Santa! ;p wouldn't know she had a little accident in this photo;P I didn't bring extra clothes and had to buy new ones. Make a big wild guess: It was smelly! bwahahahah. 'nuff said.

We went to Plaza Singapura just in time for Sesame Street show! It's free yay. 

Hugs from Abby Cadabby!
*I think Dracula has an evil plan to eat hubby haha!

Elmo, waddup?

Outside Hamley's

Oops can't help it:) And Simone was freaking out-scared!

Tis the season!!! Yep, we're writing a letter to Santa when we get home:)



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