Sunday, December 27, 2015


Simone's birthday is coming in a couple of days, and I want to make it a little special by letting her  spend quality fun time with her cousins. She also has been asking me about Alvin and the Chipmunks everyday, asking me to watch the maybe we can watch together and play after? Success!

But first, OOTD :)
*Top:Gingersnaps, shorts:Gap, fox socks: bought online, high top sneakers, H&M.

I wish I could wear this outfit myself! I am loving the high socks with ears trend:) I could add some specs too haha.

I didn't expect anything from the movie, but I liked it! I love it when I see Simone responds to the movie, she laughs and gets shocked and all!

It was their first time to watch together! So fun. Popcorn ready!

While waiting!

My mega booboo alert!!!!

After the movie, I had to order a birthday cake for this wednesday in school and I realized that my wallet is missing! I quickly went back to the cinema, looked under the seats. I was about to cry, when the lady who accompanied me said, "It's here!" pointing at the side of the seat. My small wallet was stuck when the seat is folded up, and you won't really notice it, unless you take a closer look. HOMYGOSHH I was saved!

We went back to our house where the girls played while I made some pancakes for their second snack! It wasn't very long until we need to go to their grandma's place.

Nope, they're too busy to snap a photo!

Banana chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries!

Serious water play going on.

I promise there will be more play dates to come!!! I had too much fun! :)


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