Monday, February 15, 2016

Love for Pets

And suddenly Simone has pet fishes. What. I wasn't prepared! I finally brought her to a Longkang Fishing place at The Big Splash at East Coast Road. For $12, they give you a net and catch as many as you can for 1 hour, and can bring it home. You can rent or buy a tank ($3) as well.

Gaaaahd who knows it's difficult to catch those guppies haha they were so fast! Simone's first catch was a dead fish, which she doesn't know yet--I explained to her that the fish is not moving anymore so we must out back to the water (Bec I dunno where to put the dead fish!) and she cried! And then..she caught another one... dead again. Okay hmm, I just asked her to put again inside her tank, and while she was busy, I creeped the dead one out. She wouldn't go inside the pond though haha! We enjoyed it with the other kids there. She also had a fish feeding with the big fishes.

Well, I don't have a fish tank at home, so I bought a USB fish tank haha, I though it was bigger than Simone's tank from the longkang fish but it was even smaller! Gaaaah. Whatever, I purchased it anyway.

Simone is just delighted to have fishes after all! Her grandma bought her some fishes last year, but she was not so interested yet. She' always like "C'mon fishes, go, go, go!" haha so cute. And she would always greet the fishes and asks to feed it. Now let's see how many fishes get to live lol


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