Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Singing Bee

Simone has a knack for singing! At first I thought it's just a normal thing for toddlers, singing while playing, belting out in the shower, and still singing post-shower! Singing inside the bus (I always tell her to lower her voice haha), basically everywhere! I think she got it from her grandparents (my folks) who has their very own KTV which was placed previously in the living room, but now in their room (to keep the noise at bay?haha). We would wake up by my mom's beautiful voice in the morning already, that was our alarm clock!haha and of course our culture as Filipinos who love to sing. Hubs loves to sing too. And I always sing to her anyway.  I remember recording my favorite song "Eternal Flame" on tape by my mom when I was 1.5years old!

Maybe she'd be interested in voice lessons when she's older to further hone her skills! I'm just soooo fascinated when she sings. She knows the whole song of Ariel's Part of Your World, of course, Let It Go, For The First Time In Forever, Love Is an Open Door, and a lot more! Her obsession du jour is the My Little Pony Equestria Girls songs. She can just sit on the couch,do nothing and sing alone for like 30 minutes. I have a lot of videos, but they are too long to be posted (and i am lazy to edit)

Enjoy some though! <3

ps. couldn't play the videos, so you can just click these links:)

simone 1

simone 3

Nuff for now!


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