Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Random Shenanigans

Today was a pretty productive day. Had a meeting, went to a new mall, then went to a carnival, rode some rides, bought a lot of arts and crafts stuff, and did face painting! You can't keep up with us! LOL All were impromptu!

Carnival: She is terrified of rides. She wants, but last minutes she chickens out, but I didn't expect that this time around, she will really jump in! Yay! Big check for milestone.

Scaredy cat NO MORE!

I was the one scared og the ferris wheel! She kept shaking it! haha

Simone is super obsessed My Little Pony Rainbow Dash--Makeup tutorial!!!! What!! She kept bugging me that she wants be paint her face like rainbow dash and had attempted to paint using watercolor and acrylic paint! I told her that we will find paint for the face. I'm happy to oblige because when she was younger, she HATES any face paint on her body/face. I found a cheap face paint ($7,usually super nice ones are like $38), thank God.

and the cutest part:

This is Rainbow Dash BTW

And Pinky Pie!

halfway doing my cat look when she told me i'll be Pinky Pie!

MUA? wahahah

She was soooo serious I swear!

Rainbow Dash or Avatar? LOLLL


May Gahd!

We had a lot of laughs doing the face paint. It was soooooo fun! I'm just happy she loves to show her creative side and explore paint--on her face (and mine.the father politely said NO wahahah) haha! I'm sure we'll get to do it in the next few days OMGGGG DIE


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