Saturday, March 12, 2016


Late post>>>My newest babies-literally! These little veggies are more powerful than you think! They are very easy to grow, fast to harvest,  are up to 40 times more nutrient dense than mature veggies, and of course, pretty! They are mostly used for garnishing/plating, but they are more than just that! What I love most is that I can just cut them anytime I need it! Can you spell f-r-e-s-h? You can check out their facebook if you are interested!

Hello babies!

Great idea, right?
More ideas from the net!

She loves watering them!

It is recommended to use spray only to avoid overwatering them
I also think it's the best way to involve Simone into teaching how vegetables grow, and how to take care of them, and of course eating veggies makes you healthy and strong!

Picture from my visit to Farmer's market

My beautiful kale!

Trial test-they are very tasty, see if Simone approves
*That's southern lentils with garlic, tomatoes, cumin & thyme with quinoa.

Waiting for carrots
Boom! Carrots are the tastiest ones.

"Mommy, I want to eat the plants." haha!

Cheesy salmon baked rice with microgreens!

They're soo tall now!

I need to cut,cut,cut!

Hello carrot shoots!


I bring it to work as well :)

I can't keep up with them, they grow soooo fast! So that's a motivation to eat veggies everyday!


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