Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Disease-Proof your Child

I hate it when I see kids sick. It's normal to fall sick, but why not take it to the next level and prevent it  than cure?  Every mother must have this book, I wished I had discovered this when I was pregnant. But I'm happy that I am on the right track. From The Super Baby Food Book (which I will blog soon), the foods discussed are the same, veggie-grains-beans-nuts-seed-fruit diet. Simone follows that, but of course I include meat like salmon and chicken and no red meat, oh and dairy (but now minimizing).  The book explains what physicians do when patients come to them-- of course to diagnose and prescribe medicine. It is right they are taught to treat, but what food we eat must also be discussed, and that is where Dr. Furhman (the author) is most concerned about. He talks about the different diseases, especially cancer. Dr. Fuhrman states that all cancers that occur now are from the foods that we eat during the first quarter of life, that's why we have to eat the correct food to build our bodies and protect them against diseases. He also discussed antibiotics as too much given to a patient can lead to auto-immune therefore they will not become effective anymore, it will also destroy the good cells.

Here are excerpts from the book that are very knowledgeable:

  • The modern diet that most children are eating today creates a fertile cellular environment for cancer to emerge at a later age.
  • Childhood diets create cancer.
  • Kids become ill not because they naturally pass around germs or have bad genes, but because their diets are inadequate.
  • The vast majority of adult cancers are avoidable if an excellent diet is begun and maintained from early childhood
  • Not only do children like to eat healthy, but once they do they will reject junk food on their own
  • Animal products contain no antioxidants, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, folate. Vitamin C, K or those thousands of phytochemicals that are essential for cellular normalcy and preventing DNA damage.
  • Flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts are examples of great brain food that can maximize human potential. Berries and vegetables are also rich in brain0favorable nutrients.
  • Most vegetables have more protein per calorie than meat and more calcium per calorie than milk.
  • Animal protein is married to saturated fat, the most dangerous type of fat.
  • Vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds are all rich in protein, and they also have no saturated fat or cholesterol. But the clincher is that they are higher in nutrients than any other foods.
  • Excess animal protein and sodium promotes calcium loss in the urine, increasing calcium requirements.
  • Parents need to eat the diet they would like their child's diet to become.
The five most dangerous things to feed a child are :

  • Butter and cheese (ouch for me!)
  • Potato chips and french fries 
  • Doughnuts and other trans fat containing sweets
  • Sausages, hotdogs, and other processed food
  • Pickled, smoked barbequed meats

He also has his fab 5:

Berries, Greens, Seeds, Beans, Tomatoes

He also encouraged that we take 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds, an ounce of walnuts and hemp seeds daily. I think I can do that!!!!! I have been trying to find a decent(meaning not too expensive) grinder for the longest time since Simone was an infant!!!!! I want Krups but a bit expensive though :(

You may check his website at and his blog, for articles, videos, recipes and a lot more. He has other books that I'm planning to buy too.

I'm SLOWLY following a Nutritarian diet based on Dr. Fuhrman

You can learn more about it here I'm in need of a long life for my family.

Seriously, there's a LOT more in the book! I learned so much. You don't have to go all the way, just do what you can and the rest will follow. Before, I was hesitant to eat brown rice and beans because you still have to soak them overnight and cook them for an hour, but I got the hang of it. Simone eats brown rice, beans and vegetables and fruit everyday and I'm happy that she is a healthy eater. Today, I was chopping her broccolis into smaller pieces when she took a floret from her plate and ate it! I was stunned! I hope she will continue that habit! I went grocery shopping this evening, got home, placed everything in the fridge because all were vegetables... Uhhh something was missing I though, but I didn't bother. OH WAIT, MY BEANS! yes, I left the other plastic bag containing Black beans and chickpeas at the cashier. Quickly called Fair Price and luckily it was there LOL. Seriously this brain of mine is dead! What a forgetful me! Ugh.



Friday, March 21, 2014

Toddler Dental Check-up

My mother was very strict to us when it comes to brushing our teeth. I have a sweet tooth so she really, really makes sure I brush my teeth often. Before sleeping time, its a no-fail question if I brushed! Well, it paid off because I never had a cavity ever in my childhood! It's like getting straight A's whenever there's a yearly dental check-up in school and the dentist will look at my record and say, "Hmm let's see if you still have perfect teeth...yes, it's still perfect." Love it!!!!

When Simone turned 1, I brought her to a pedia dentist last January. Well, a pediatric dentist has 2-3 years specialty training following dental school and limits his/her practice to treating children only. A few moms may frown to this thought, but it's a step to prevent tooth problems. Yup, a young child CAN already have tooth decay! Prevention is better than cure!!

We went to Tooth Camp Alabang, it was just so cool there! Simone kept busy while waiting for her turn. It was like an indoor playground with a dentist. haha

Huuuge playhouse! You can play upstairs too. 

Okay, enough of the playground.

The patient before us was around 8 years old, a boy. He was screaming and crying while the dentist was attending to him. I felt sorry for him but good that bringing Simone this young will help prevent these to happen.

The check-up was a package of consultation, cleaning, and fluoride application worth Php1,500.00 or S$35 (In Singapore it may cost 3 times more but it's worth it than treating a cavity:D). First, the dentist gave me a lecture on baby milk teeth and what causes cavities. She showed me pictures of very early decaying teeth up to the worst stage, to scare me (LOL) and signs of cavities. One big piece of advice: Don't give milk anymore after she had brushed her teeth. That means no milk during sleeping time, midnight. You can give water though. You need to train your child or you will have baby bottle tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when sugar in liquids such as milk is in contact with the teeth for a prolonged time. child's teeth will literally dissolve.

Picture source from

 She showed me the proper way to brush Simone's teeth (pictured below), did the cleaning and put fluoride and told me not to give her anything for 30 minutes. She recommended me to use a fluoride toothpaste(since I'm using a non-fluoride), specifically Aquafresh Milk Teeth Toothpaste because it contains 1000ppm fluoride. It will not be effective enough if kiddie toothpastes will only have little amount or 600ppm. I inquired about fluoride and she said that the update now is really to use fluoride. Anyway, she said, you will only smear a tiny amount on the upper half of the bristles. It won't hurt, just brush and wipe with a cloth right away because now Simone doesn't know how to spit yet. Of course you cannot swallow fluoride toothpaste, it's toxic! Hmm, so how can I clean the tongue and the rest of the mouth? You can just clean it with your non-fluoride toothpaste. Yup, so I use Earth's Best non-fluoride toothpaste first to clean her whole mouth and tongue, then use Fluoride toothpaste for the final touch. LOL. At first I find it a hassle, but got used to it. I let Simone "brush" her teeth first (she loves to brush lol), and when she's done, it's mommy's turn.

Hee. You won't believe she was crying and screaming in this photo.

"What are you doing to me??????"-Simmie

Done-zo!!!! With our pretty helper Jessebel!

Reward! She got a free toothbrush too!

Daily routine: Earth's Best, Aquafresh, Hello Kitty & Mickey!

Sparkly-sparkly 6 teeth!! Waiting for 14 more hihi

Her next check-up will be in July, but I know we're not going to be in Manila, so I searched for pedia dentists around singapore (there's a lot!!) and found Kids Dental World in Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital the best. Can't wait to bring Simone there!!!

Happy Brushing! LOL


Sunday, March 16, 2014

My First Kefir

I learned about Kefir when I was researching on yogurt. What is the best kind of yogurt and what is the brand out there? Answer: Greek yogurt, and anything organic. Oh, there's also coconut yogurt. What? that is so rare to find, unfortunately. I'm tired of buying greek yogurt every time, and if you haven't tried greek, its creamier than the normal yogurt, and very sour. I also learned how to make your own yogurt, but that didn't work for me. Looks complicated! And then I read an alternative- kefir. What is it?

Kefir (pronounced kee-fer) originates from the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe. It's believed that the name comes from the Turkish word "keif" which means good feeling. Kefir's flavour is naturally sweet and slightly bubbly, and mild but a bit tangy as well.
The drink is made either with kefir grains or a powdered kefir starter — the grains aren't an actual grain like wheat, but are made of bacteria and yeast. Generally of a thinner consistency than yogurt, kefir is usually sold as a drink, either plain or flavoured.
Yogurt is a source of probiotics, the live organisms (including healthy bacterias)that are naturally found in out digestive tracts. These organisms help stem the growth of harmful bacteria and boost our immune systems. But kefir is an even better source of these helpful little guys, 3 times the source of yogurt, it's thought. This is because kefir is made by fermenting milk with 10-20 different types of bacteria and yeasts, where yogurt is usually just fermented with a handful of types; this leads to a higher probiotic count in the final product.

I was checking out a trade fair at Tampines Mall and found a booth selling it. I instantly bought it! They had a promotion of S$20 instead of $23. You may call at 93371928 according to their name card. 

It's easy to ferment: 

  • Mix 1L of milk(cow's milk is most efficient while alternatives would be coconut milk and soy milk) to 1g of the starter kit in a glass jar, cover with a cloth and seal with a band,
  • Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours. Do not touch or shake while fermenting. 
  • After fermenting, let it sit in the fridge for 2 hours to stop it from fermenting. 
  • Voila! You have a yummy kefir!
The kefir starter kit. 
Contains 10 packs
Excited to open after putting in the fridge for 2 hours

Mmm. Creamy-like yogurt
Kefir topped with strawberries, blueberries, kiwi . I added a banana too.

She took the spoon from me. Guess she liked it.
The kefir face LOL.

Yay for a new discovery!! I love it.



Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Toddler Development

How many words can a 14 1/2 toddler say?

Today, she said "beh, beh" giving me the bear. Cute.

As of today, Simone can say these words:

1. Hi
2. Bye
3. Mama
4. Dada/dah
5. Ada (panda)
6 shh shh (fish LOL)
7. Power (flower) 
8. Anana (banana)
9. Beh (bear)
10. Dah (dog)
11. Kah (cat)


1. Close/open the door or On/Off the light, fan
2. Let's go.
3. Finish -she will stand up
4. Sit down/stand up
5. Lie down/sleep
6. Get this ____ and give to ___
7. Where's the fish, Pooh, Minnie, Dora :)
8. Come here/follow mommy

I am so excited for the coming weeks that I will new words or understanding me! Yesterday I tried to make her sit on the potty and guess what? She peed! yay! Do you think she's ready? hmm, I think the mommy is not LOL! I am preparing don't worry! I read this 3-day potty training manual. I just need a lot of panties.

Such a weirdo like moi

And she whines if she can't get them out of her head LOL



Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My iHerb Haul

My iHerb package arrived! Hooray!

It came exactly 9 days after I ordered it online, within their 10-day shipping period. All the way from the U.S of A. via Singpost. It's soo great. I have been eyeing to purchase for a long period of time, and my wish list got longer. The reason I finally pushed to buy is because:

I was searching to buy Simone's multivitamins and found the one I have been looking for (which has no added chemicals like caramel color, derived from whole foods- fruits and veggies), Nature's Plus Animal Parade Liquid multivitamins which costs S$20.66 not bad, I guess. Did the math and turned out the bottle (8fl oz) is good for only 15 days, and so I needed 2 bottles for a month that would cost twice. Hmmm. A little too expensive? I checked iHerb and guess what , it only costs $6.87 or S$8.70! huwaaaat? Might as well buy a 30 fl oz for only $20.69 or S$26.20!

I added more since I was ordering from the US. Chia seeds 150g here costs S$15.60 while from iHerb it will only cost $11.89 or S$15.06 for 340g! crazy huh?

I immediately opened the cacao nibs and gave Simone and she liked it, even if it has a bitter taste. I can't find hemps seeds here in Singapore, thank God for iHerb. Now I can make Hemp milk!

I also ordered kiddie toothpaste and sunscreen.

Left: $20.66 (8oz) bought from singapore store
Right: $26.20 (30oz) bought from iHerb

This is just my "trial" package LOL. I will definitely re-order. I still have a lot to clear on my wish list! Spirulina, Kelp, and God knows what! Yipeee Let's all be healthy and shop at iHerb!!!! Use my promo code to get additional discount ($5-$10) on your first order! Here's the code: TTM872 Happy shopping without the guilt!



Sunday, March 9, 2014

The world is on my shoulders

Last March 5, my hubby and colleagues had a chalet (its like you rent a place and sleepover) at Pasir Ris but with 6 staff sharing one room, I THOUGHT we were going home in the evening. So.. I just packed on the same day we were going. We got there, and hubby asked me if I had brought my toothbrush. "Huh? toothbrush...?" and all there it goes, all my thoughts and worries, I didn't bring enough milk powder, I have limited bottle and I don't have enough to use for tomorrow, what food can she eat, clothes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! After a few hours, I couldn't take it anymore, I went back home WITH Simone (because they were busy preparing) carried her in my sling to and fro. I washed bottles, sterilized, prepared clothes and other things while carrying her and went back all the way to the chalet. Whew!!!!

I finally had my long awaited Pad thai dinner at The Basil Inn, sharing with Simone but she really doesn't want to be spoon-fed anymore. Just imagine all the mess.

I can't blame her, it's really good!
Whatever, she's being independent never mind the mess! I love the place! Pad thai only cost S$6, compare to The Bangkok Jam's S$11(?) no frills. Now that will be my go-to Thai fix in a budget!
I still had to entertain her the whole night because hubby is busy with his guests and all. yup, same thing done in a different place. The next day we went to Wild Wild Wet while the rest went to Pulau Ubin, we have a free pass yay! It's not really for young kids, the cement on the pools are rough, not like those tiles from normal pools. She just like to walk in the water but I had to be extra careful because she might slip and instantly get  bloody wound.

I think this is my best shot.

Excuse my fringe, my momma cut it haha.

"Mom, can we finally go now..?"

Of course with me.

I'm thinking of buying her a new swimsuit, since she would alternate 2, but I personally think they are already overused! Mmkay searching now...


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How do you discipline your child?

Few days ago, my hubby and I met up with our couple friends who has an infant. We were eating at a Hawker Center and Simone was in her pram. She managed to reach and touch the satay on the table and my girl friend firmly grabbed her hand and said, "No! No! No!" Thus refused to let go of Simone's hand. Of course my daughter felt scared and she cried so hard, thought she was being scolded by some stranger (*grunts*) I picked her up and walked her. When we returned to our table, Simone was still a bit wailing when she saw my girl friend, and the latter said , " Don't cry!" in a stern voice with matching pointing of her finger. Uhm, do you think she will still be happy to see you..? She was just curious about the satay:) No harm intended right? Why scold?

Well, i just kept quiet the whole time because mainly:
1.She will not understand it yet if i explain to her
2. She might get offended.
3. We are not that close.
4. I just might say something I might regret. 

I told myself if there will be a third time then that's it. Am I being too protective? Well first of all I don't even do that to her! Why would some other person? Disciplining a child is not about scolding nor spanking them not even scaring them! I'm just so upset deep inside. 


Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Happy Cheap Finds

Happy 14th month to my Simmie today! I did some major cardio today, if you know what i mean girls! Well, it was more of walking. I walked from Newton MRT station to Balmoral Crescent, and from there to Scotts Road, took Orchard MRT to Plaza Singapura! I don't really know how many miles i walked but OMG i was just exhausted. At least i was able to explore Bukit Timah area.

Anyway, are you guys into 2nd hand stuff? It all started when i was looking for this particular mushroom play tent from Cotton On Kids that was sold last November-December of last year and I was not able to purchase (all because of my stinginess that would haunt me!)  I searched forever and nothing until one day i found one at BUT it is second hand. Whatever, I didn't care and contacted the seller right away. Got it at s$15. Here's the tent:

It looks brand new. 
Aha! Something's not right in this picture!

Today, I picked up a Mega Bloks Play N' Go Activity Table. I can't find them anywhere in Singapore but this. It cost me $15. Found it at Gumtree too! Oh nooooo. I'm gonna be stuck in this site finding cheap thrills!!!! I love it! I don't ever have to be guilty buying such expensive toys that would eventually be thrown out by Simone. Haha. Everything in Singapore is just expensive (well except luxury things) Trust me!

Not bad right? I want to buy more bloks for this table!

Went to Plaza Singapura to meet my hubby and asked him to bring it home haha. Went for a stroll at Cotton On Kids and guess what- they're on sale!!!! $7 each for these tank tops and $15 for the cute heart denim shorts! They're all 50% off yay! Wow, I wished they had these in adult sizes! too cute!

How cute are the shorts?!!

Also bought a cute Sofia the First book with a writing thing for $15.60. Not bad. John Little has a small Baby Fair going on and found it there.

My stroll won't be complete without going to Daiso LOL. Bought this pink book/magazine rack for Simone's growing number of books!!! She has a collection already. Counting Kisses book is so far our favorite!

An organized book rack for now.

Yes, everything is for Simone! Momma has none and is dead tired today! But a happy one! 
