Sunday, March 16, 2014

My First Kefir

I learned about Kefir when I was researching on yogurt. What is the best kind of yogurt and what is the brand out there? Answer: Greek yogurt, and anything organic. Oh, there's also coconut yogurt. What? that is so rare to find, unfortunately. I'm tired of buying greek yogurt every time, and if you haven't tried greek, its creamier than the normal yogurt, and very sour. I also learned how to make your own yogurt, but that didn't work for me. Looks complicated! And then I read an alternative- kefir. What is it?

Kefir (pronounced kee-fer) originates from the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe. It's believed that the name comes from the Turkish word "keif" which means good feeling. Kefir's flavour is naturally sweet and slightly bubbly, and mild but a bit tangy as well.
The drink is made either with kefir grains or a powdered kefir starter — the grains aren't an actual grain like wheat, but are made of bacteria and yeast. Generally of a thinner consistency than yogurt, kefir is usually sold as a drink, either plain or flavoured.
Yogurt is a source of probiotics, the live organisms (including healthy bacterias)that are naturally found in out digestive tracts. These organisms help stem the growth of harmful bacteria and boost our immune systems. But kefir is an even better source of these helpful little guys, 3 times the source of yogurt, it's thought. This is because kefir is made by fermenting milk with 10-20 different types of bacteria and yeasts, where yogurt is usually just fermented with a handful of types; this leads to a higher probiotic count in the final product.

I was checking out a trade fair at Tampines Mall and found a booth selling it. I instantly bought it! They had a promotion of S$20 instead of $23. You may call at 93371928 according to their name card. 

It's easy to ferment: 

  • Mix 1L of milk(cow's milk is most efficient while alternatives would be coconut milk and soy milk) to 1g of the starter kit in a glass jar, cover with a cloth and seal with a band,
  • Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours. Do not touch or shake while fermenting. 
  • After fermenting, let it sit in the fridge for 2 hours to stop it from fermenting. 
  • Voila! You have a yummy kefir!
The kefir starter kit. 
Contains 10 packs
Excited to open after putting in the fridge for 2 hours

Mmm. Creamy-like yogurt
Kefir topped with strawberries, blueberries, kiwi . I added a banana too.

She took the spoon from me. Guess she liked it.
The kefir face LOL.

Yay for a new discovery!! I love it.



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