Sunday, March 9, 2014

The world is on my shoulders

Last March 5, my hubby and colleagues had a chalet (its like you rent a place and sleepover) at Pasir Ris but with 6 staff sharing one room, I THOUGHT we were going home in the evening. So.. I just packed on the same day we were going. We got there, and hubby asked me if I had brought my toothbrush. "Huh? toothbrush...?" and all there it goes, all my thoughts and worries, I didn't bring enough milk powder, I have limited bottle and I don't have enough to use for tomorrow, what food can she eat, clothes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! After a few hours, I couldn't take it anymore, I went back home WITH Simone (because they were busy preparing) carried her in my sling to and fro. I washed bottles, sterilized, prepared clothes and other things while carrying her and went back all the way to the chalet. Whew!!!!

I finally had my long awaited Pad thai dinner at The Basil Inn, sharing with Simone but she really doesn't want to be spoon-fed anymore. Just imagine all the mess.

I can't blame her, it's really good!
Whatever, she's being independent never mind the mess! I love the place! Pad thai only cost S$6, compare to The Bangkok Jam's S$11(?) no frills. Now that will be my go-to Thai fix in a budget!
I still had to entertain her the whole night because hubby is busy with his guests and all. yup, same thing done in a different place. The next day we went to Wild Wild Wet while the rest went to Pulau Ubin, we have a free pass yay! It's not really for young kids, the cement on the pools are rough, not like those tiles from normal pools. She just like to walk in the water but I had to be extra careful because she might slip and instantly get  bloody wound.

I think this is my best shot.

Excuse my fringe, my momma cut it haha.

"Mom, can we finally go now..?"

Of course with me.

I'm thinking of buying her a new swimsuit, since she would alternate 2, but I personally think they are already overused! Mmkay searching now...


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