Saturday, August 9, 2014

Simone's First National Day ;p

Impromptu again! I just thought that it's better for Simone to see the fireworks live than on TV (although she has seen fireworks in Manila). Searched for the best possible location--away from the crowd. The Lawn at Marina Bay Link was just perfect. There were families loaded with picnic mats! A LOT of kids! And dogs too! I was drooling when I saw a family eating 2 boxes of pizza. I felt sad, wishing my family was here too.

I did not cover the parade much, I just want us to have this experience out and about. I wish I had brought her scooter and her bubbles. But my hands were already full.

Oh, and check out Simone's first project in school. ;p
So busy checking other people's picnic!


When she hears a dog bark, she will go to it. 

And more dogs.


Those teeth<3


Apai! (High 5)

Ecstatic to see balloons in the sky.

"Pizza please?"

Doodling while waiting.

Ran over there when she saw the colorful smoke.

Only decent photo of fireworks I took!

Going home was not a problem at all. I thought we were going to be smacked with people in the MRT but no, the security did a great job controlling the human traffic! haha. 

Super tired and sleepy mama.



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