Thursday, August 7, 2014

Simple Discipline

It's difficult to control a toddler because they already know what they want, plus they themselves have no control of their emotions. One minute I'm so pissed and then next minute I'm laughing my ass off! I just remind myself, "Don't let that little creature get you!" I'm lika a crazy-ass mom now! It's just full of emotions with a sneaky toddler!

How to discipline them in simple ways?

1. Start with teaching them to put back their toys after playing, as well as returning other things after using them. (Don't do every little thing for them--no to spoiled kids!)

2. Simple chores. When you open things, like biscuits for them, ask them to throw the wrapper in the bin. 

3. Simple Manners. If they want you to do something for them, ask them to say "Please" and "Thank You" when done. If they are in your way, say "Excuse Me." They will pick it up fast if you practice often. (Simone says "Eh-mee" and "Ank-oo" not so clear yet but she does) 

4. Simple learning. When your out and about, or just anywhere, find some things that can exercise their brains. "Where's number 5?" in a $5 note. Or if you see anything with numbers, letters, anything you can teach them. "where's the tree? sky? elephant?" but don't pressure them okay! Just fun learning. (Simone will always point out the letters A and O, and numbers 5, 4, 8, & 9 whenever she sees them!)

5. If they want anything that can be done by themselves, teach them. Teach them to unzip/zip back zippers, wash hands, wipe mouth/hands, etc. 

6. Teach them to eat by themselves. I admit I thought this was easy at first. When Simone was 6 months old, she can eat by herself, and eats anything from berries to carrots, but nowadays she's more on noodles and prefers eating fruits and veggies by spoon. 

7. Be very alert when they start to do anything physical to other kids like pushing or pinching. Stop them EVERYTIME and tell them it's not good. And be firm! If you don't stop them and you are around, they will think it's a NORMAL thing to do. (Simone sometimes pinch other kids LOL)

8. If they do the things you ask them to do, say words like "Good Job", "Thank You", instead of praising them or giving rewards. Show them that you appreciate! And if they did not do it, PLEASE don't say "Bad" or "Naughty girl", "Stupid" or anything negative. They will pick it up and refuse even more.

9. Hello and Goodbye

I understand some parents "sneak out" to leave while their kids are busy playing because you don't want to deal with a hysterical toddler crying when you leave the house or somewhere. And because you'll feel guilty! But if you don't say goodbye, they will just feel 'betrayed' and get even more upset because you just disappeared without telling them. Your child may look around for you and may panic, thus making separation process harder. But what is important is they need to understand this reality in life, that you need to go, tell them where you're going and you will be back. You may say "Mommy's going to work okay, be a good girl, see you later bye!" And go. Be positively happy. It's perfectly normal for them to cry, separation anxiety takes time.  We ALL go through it! They'll get over it in a while. You may give them treats when you come back so they'll look forward on waiting for you. Say, "Hello baby I'm back! You see, mommy will always come back after saying goodbye!" I like to make big gestures and scream a bit (can't help it--I miss her more) when picking up Simone:p plus her favorite drink in my hand.

All these "Simple" tips are not really simple LOL! It requires a LOT of patience and you have to be very consistent. I myself have a very hard time because at some, I tend to be lenient because.. Just because. Haha.

Remember, consistency is the key. Just do them like an everyday thing. You can start as early as you want. They may not follow it at first but I'm 100% sure it is already in their brain! You'll just be surprised one day:) Good Luck!




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