Friday, August 15, 2014

Zoo Date

It's official: I want a sea lion, an orangutan and a giraffe as pets! haha. I just had an 8-hour cardio yesterday at the zoo! Never rode a single tram. Imagine. I think my legs died! Anyway, it brought out the child in me again! It was hubby's company outing and we just tagged along but we came earlier, and they left early too, so most of the time, just me and Simone.

If you're planning to go to the zoo, make sure to 1.) come early (by that I mean opening time at 8:30am), 2.) Plan your itinerary well. My $22 (booked online) was all worth it! I want to interact with them up close and personal, plus a photo:D. It is best to follow their feeding trail guide + shows. You may check their website at Singapore Zoo, download their app (used this a lot!), and get a map once you're there. They have three feeding trail schedules, but I only managed to feed the giraffe. Tragic. Haha.  p.s. please excuse my messy hair and clothes;p

Simone clung to me like a monkey;p

I bet she's scared of its huge black tongue!

He licked my hand too. Great experience!

I wish the guy had shot at least half of the giraffe's body! haha. Anyway, nonetheless, it was good.

I was about to be handed a basket of food for the elephant feeding ($5) but all I had was a $50 note and she said she can't give change. sad. Feeding happens after the show.

There's also an elephant ride located near Ah Meng restaurant, but it was already sold out when we queued :(

Went to the orangutan feeding, but it was them eating by themselves and you can have your photo taken while they're munchin'. I freaking love these creatures!!! They were all over the free range orangutan island and boardwalk.

They look bored, don't they?

We managed to watch 3 out of 4 shows (I forgot to go to the Animal Friends show demn) so it was great.

Splash Safari was the best! Sea lions are super smart. I have 5 videos of this sea lion. Fun part is the splashing!

While waiting for the show to start.

Elephants at work and play show was nice (pictures above), and Rainforest fights back show had pretty cool animals.

Rainforest Fights Back show

We went to the water park too! Simone is an unstoppable party animal ;p

One happy gal = Happy mama

Enjoying her toddlerhood

Hello friend! 

Just show you some more pics! Random order.

The shy leopard

I think this is my best photo. sweet!
One and only king of the jungle. 

*I was in awe whenever he roars!

Zebra and another animal.

Simone and zebra.

Simone and friends.
Final shot before leaving.

Ugh. Wanna take this little guy home!


with the leopard

Just one selfie please!

Orangutans in action.

Mother and baby!!!!

Lovely flamingos
The lonely white tiger with one eye.

"Bird!!!" hihi. it's a baby ostrich.

Penguins are out!

River Safari will be next for sure! ;p



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