Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tame The Toddler During a Flight

A trip from Singapore to Manila vice-versa is approximately 3-4 hours, it may be a short one, but keeping a toddler behaved in a plane is completely challenging. Years back I remember when a toddler was seated behind me, had tantrums the whole flight, and that included kicking my seat. I couldn't complain, the parents can't do anything to pacify her. I'm saying is that will be very inconvenient to other passengers if I can't control her emotions at that period. I will also feel frustrated. But even the most well-mannered child will act irrational on occasion. A 16- month toddler is restless.

First I plan is the outfit. wahahaha! Yes! She has to be comfortable but at the same time covered in something not too bulky. I dressed her in a light material long sleeved polka top (in the photos, her sleeves were pulled up) soft denim pants, socks and velcro strap sneakers.

Still hyperactive.

Hi mom, kinda busy now.

Things I brought for Simone to keep her busy are her favorites:
1. Books
2. Food
3. Stinky pillow
4. Elmo plush toy
5. Sunglasses (she likes to put it on and take it out)

(I don't let her use electronic devices like Ipad much. An iphone can be my last resort if there's a tantrum. But if your kid is into it, then let it be)

Bring trinkets, or surprises, so they will get busy.

Already in her comfort zone

Best advice to make them "behave" in the plane happens during your pre-departure time. Let them walk, run, get busy, because they can't do that inside the plane anymore. Encourage them to maximize their energy so they will relax and hopefully doze off in the plane. After we got through the immigration, I let Simone walk, walk, and walk all throughout the beautiful Changi airport. She loves the travelator. We had lunch so we had a little break, sit-down time, then she pooped (Thank God, not in the plane),then walked again, waited at the security thing, then finally at the boarding area I let her play and run around. Just don't let them out of your sight. Seated in the plane, she felt restless, checked out the view from the window, flipped the magazine, menu, offered her stuff... and finally crashed. the momma crashed a little later too. haha!

Exploring the passengers infront!

Just be prepared. A lot. Toddlers can be demanding at times and you must know how to trick them, or rather handle them! Simone got a bit whiny because of the air pressure in her ears. I let her eat or drink so she can swallow. Done. Most important is discipline. You can't control their emotions, however, make compromise when you allow something,

Oh, and make their plane rides a happy one! 



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