Sunday, December 27, 2015


Simone's birthday is coming in a couple of days, and I want to make it a little special by letting her  spend quality fun time with her cousins. She also has been asking me about Alvin and the Chipmunks everyday, asking me to watch the maybe we can watch together and play after? Success!

But first, OOTD :)
*Top:Gingersnaps, shorts:Gap, fox socks: bought online, high top sneakers, H&M.

I wish I could wear this outfit myself! I am loving the high socks with ears trend:) I could add some specs too haha.

I didn't expect anything from the movie, but I liked it! I love it when I see Simone responds to the movie, she laughs and gets shocked and all!

It was their first time to watch together! So fun. Popcorn ready!

While waiting!

My mega booboo alert!!!!

After the movie, I had to order a birthday cake for this wednesday in school and I realized that my wallet is missing! I quickly went back to the cinema, looked under the seats. I was about to cry, when the lady who accompanied me said, "It's here!" pointing at the side of the seat. My small wallet was stuck when the seat is folded up, and you won't really notice it, unless you take a closer look. HOMYGOSHH I was saved!

We went back to our house where the girls played while I made some pancakes for their second snack! It wasn't very long until we need to go to their grandma's place.

Nope, they're too busy to snap a photo!

Banana chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries!

Serious water play going on.

I promise there will be more play dates to come!!! I had too much fun! :)


Friday, December 18, 2015

Dear Santa Comes Alive!

Simone's favorite book has come to life! I love Rod Campbell's books, and I quickly bought tickets once I saw the ad! We watched on the last day, December 13. I brought her book and flipped the pages as the play goes along so she could understand that they are acting it out. Oh I just love how Simone responds to each play we watch together:) Priceless! Santa Claus, Elf and Sarah interacted with the young audience like they asked the audience to blow for the kite to fly, bounced the ball to us, sing, and asked kids to come up on stage. They, I mean WE enjoyed it a lot. Haha! Definitely worth watching! We sat third row. I didn't get to watch much plays when I was young, so I'm doing it now with Simone:)

Great shot, but no flash!grr

With flash, but can't see the book. photography fail.I give up LOL

Santa's on the left and Sarah's on the right.

Santa can dance, so cute!

Whoops! Scared of the Elf! We covered Santa! ;p wouldn't know she had a little accident in this photo;P I didn't bring extra clothes and had to buy new ones. Make a big wild guess: It was smelly! bwahahahah. 'nuff said.

We went to Plaza Singapura just in time for Sesame Street show! It's free yay. 

Hugs from Abby Cadabby!
*I think Dracula has an evil plan to eat hubby haha!

Elmo, waddup?

Outside Hamley's

Oops can't help it:) And Simone was freaking out-scared!

Tis the season!!! Yep, we're writing a letter to Santa when we get home:)



Sunday, November 22, 2015

Impromptu Meals: Pumpkin Risotto

When you just came home from ballet, brunch, church, and exhausted (not to forget walking!), asks your toddler to nap when she replies, "I want to eat." Heck, I did not even ask anymore what she wants to eat. What's in my pantry/fridge that's easy to cook? *searches*

Whew! I found:

---> Organic glutinous rice (which I haven't used in a while)
---> Frozen steamed Pumpkin (thinking to make pumpkin soup, just steam and blend)

Yep, let's make pumpkin risotto!

ps. I do not have exact measurements as I only cook for myself and Simone.

Cook the rice in a pot with mushroom seasoning, halfway done, steam the pumpkin (mine from frozen), chop organic garlic (i like to put a lot) cook with butter until a little brown and set aside. Prepare your blender, pour milk, pumpkin and half of the garlic and blend away until it's creamy thick. Pour the soup, rice into a saucepan with butter, simmer a little. Add himalayan salt, a tiny dash of cinnamon and parmesan cheese according to your liking. I like it more of the pumpkin-garlic-y taste for Simone with a HINT of cheese, and mine is with a LOT of cheese;p

New found comfort food

It's like mac and cheese guyz!

Happy Sunday to all!


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat

Last September 27, I brought Simone out to watch the Cat in the Hat play. She loves Cat in the Hat shows and has books, and always mentions Sally and Nick! And they became alive!

We also had an exclusive meet and greet, which I didn't know about (yay for that!), the usual fan girl cried ;p

The crying fan girl moment! haha

The DBS arts theatre is a small theatre, therefore, tendency of the voices of the actors were a little louder as you think (or their mic was too loud).....Which made Simone scared! The show started off with a loud thunder, which she is terrified of, so yes she freaked out! :) Well, not a good start for her, it took a while before I was able to sit down and her sitting on my lap. Slowly, she understood the story of the play, sat on her own seat, laughed out loud, and was SO affected especially when the furnitures broke, as well as seeing Sally and Nick, Cat, and other characters, and it was all good! FYI, there were also young kids there like her (with their teachers) so it wasn't like she's too young to be there. :) The play is for 2 years old onwards :)

Before she freaked out haha
 *Taking photos/videos were strictly implemented, but I managed to take a few not-so-nice ones. bleh

 These photos below are form SRT :)

 Cheers to more kiddie plays!


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Ballerina Baby

Simone has been going to ballet (and swimming- but later on that) class every sunday morning since July, and she totally loves it! I noticed her interest when we went to The Grandstand (Turf City) where we passed by a ballet studio, and she kept following the dance steps of the ballerina and refused to go home. I asked her if she wanted to be a ballerina, to which she replied, "yes!". And there, I found a fun class at Tanjong Rhu, with Teacher Jane from Dancing Kids . After her first session, she wouldn't want to go to school, "I don't wanna go to school, I want to dance ballet." everyday for like, 2 weeks! It's actually a mommy and me class, so I get to join her too! When she turns three, she can move up to the next level!

The session is only 30 minutes, non-stop! It IS indeed a work-out for me, with the other parents! We enjoy it so much though! It's funny at times when the daddies are with their girls, and they twirl around with magic wands, along with the song of "Let it go", can you imagine? I live for these moments!

Magic wands

Sticker time

Group of dads with their little girls!

Simone loves teacher Jane!

And yes, Simone is the only asian in the class!

Au revoir!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Formula Milk No More

One of the things in my bucket list before Simone turns three is to wean her from bottle to cup, at least. She is formula milk-free for more than 2 weeks now. How'd that happen?

Nothing, she just stopped asking for milk. Well previously, she would ask, and make herself (she scoops on her own) , shake, and drink. Then only wants to scoop, until she doesn't ask anymore. I would always offer, but she always decline.

I was contemplating way back when she was 1 year old to wean her from formula to cow's or soy or almond, but she just loves her milk, so I stuck to it. I even tried mixing fresh milk and formula, soy/almond and formula, but she just knows, and won't drink it. This year I lessened her milk intake so she could eat more food.

From nursery 1 to nursery 2 next year, they are being transitioned to stop drinking milk during the day , because nursery 2 level, don't have the milk routine anymore. Simone just drinks 270ml in the morning and same amount during bedtime. But now, completely no formula.

But, WOW, can I just say that she eats a LOT right now! I mean her appetite really soared up high, and she used to hate drinking water. She can't even finish half of a bottle, but now, she can finish one and a half bottle. Her teacher tells me she asks for a refill! I was amazed.

But I was a bit worried.... calcium anyone?

There are so many non-dairy resources of calcium! I always sprinkle chia, flax and hemp seed on her fruits, Oatmeal has calcium. Spinach, eggs, tofu! Hey, I can make breakfast already! Usually she only drinks milk in the morning. So now, I make something that has calcium in it.  I use organic full cream milk. Overnight oats in milk, blueberries, bananas, strawberries with hemp, chia and flax.  Cereals with milk, Quinoa salad with tofu, tomatoes, spinach, cheese, mushroom. Or spinach mushroom cheese omelette! A lot actually. Sesame seeds has the highest amount of calcium. I love avocado too! If you're thinking about other enriched vitamins and minerals in the formula milk she is missing out, I give her vitamins everyday and I mostly feed her plant-based foods anyway. They better come in from real food and not "enriched", right?

I use these milk

*organic milk = grass fed (not GMO grain fed) cows, no pesticides, no herbicides.

Some guide for calcium:

Thinking of making smoothies and ice cream next!


Farmers Market!

I wish Kranji is just near Bedok, where I stay. I love the farm life! Finally, I was able to go to the farmer's market in Kranji, It was worth the travel! It's not your typical market though! It's a trendy, hip and for the young. I wasn't able to take a lot of photos because the place was packed, and I was pushing a pram with a cranky toddler inside haha. I hoarded a lot of stuff and ate! The food there were all pop-up stalls. I was too full to try the others but I will surely follow where their next pop-up stalls and buy! The best I had was Uncle G's handmade pork roast. The queue was like 15 people, and the crazy me queued along. I didn't expect so much, and what, no rice? haha. I didn't even take a bite until my hands were full and just decided to finish it so I could hold other things. Well it was soo good! I liked the pistachio nut butter with it.

Check here for future events!

A lot of veggies. And they have free taste of sprouts!

I'm not a fan hihi

Free taste of organic mushrooms! yummm

I forgot to buy! so sad! next time

It was raining cats and dogs!

I went crazy over this!

I didn't buy fresh organic produce, because I can buy the same at groceries, but I'm so interested in growing my mini farm at home! haha.

And this! gonna start my own micro greens soon!

My refreshing lime mint. Too much mint, but still good.

Uncle G's!!!!!! check his IG @uncleghandmade for his next pop up

Roast pork with pistachio nut butter on the left is the best!

Expensive for $24 a tub but I can't resist:)

Went crazy, but lazy to try all and just bought the gift set which includes all!

 Oh yeah, there's another tent for kids only. Simone went wild haha. There were face painting, coloring, and some more arts.

Yes, there's a bar!

I didn't this pass!

Super good. The chips alone is very good already.

My Haul!

I almost finished in one sitting. But when I remembered the price, I stopped and reserved for Simone haha!

Of course, I didn't forget the hubs!

My best purchase! New babies! Can't wait. Upper seeds from microgreens IG

Another great purchase for $35! IG @the_hunters_kitchenette

I badly needed chili for lunch everyday in my work. You know why! haha
IG @shansaddiction

Simone's favorite

Yup, I got a free plant ! haha
I forgot to buy free range organic eggs! Well, I thought I can't manage and break all the eggs by the time I come home:)

Looking forward for the next one!
