Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Farmers Market!

I wish Kranji is just near Bedok, where I stay. I love the farm life! Finally, I was able to go to the farmer's market in Kranji, It was worth the travel! It's not your typical market though! It's a trendy, hip and for the young. I wasn't able to take a lot of photos because the place was packed, and I was pushing a pram with a cranky toddler inside haha. I hoarded a lot of stuff and ate! The food there were all pop-up stalls. I was too full to try the others but I will surely follow where their next pop-up stalls and buy! The best I had was Uncle G's handmade pork roast. The queue was like 15 people, and the crazy me queued along. I didn't expect so much, and what, no rice? haha. I didn't even take a bite until my hands were full and just decided to finish it so I could hold other things. Well it was soo good! I liked the pistachio nut butter with it.

Check here for future events!

A lot of veggies. And they have free taste of sprouts!

I'm not a fan hihi

Free taste of organic mushrooms! yummm

I forgot to buy! so sad! next time

It was raining cats and dogs!

I went crazy over this!

I didn't buy fresh organic produce, because I can buy the same at groceries, but I'm so interested in growing my mini farm at home! haha.

And this! gonna start my own micro greens soon!

My refreshing lime mint. Too much mint, but still good.

Uncle G's!!!!!! check his IG @uncleghandmade for his next pop up

Roast pork with pistachio nut butter on the left is the best!

Expensive for $24 a tub but I can't resist:)

Went crazy, but lazy to try all and just bought the gift set which includes all!

 Oh yeah, there's another tent for kids only. Simone went wild haha. There were face painting, coloring, and some more arts.

Yes, there's a bar!

I didn't this pass!

Super good. The chips alone is very good already.

My Haul!

I almost finished in one sitting. But when I remembered the price, I stopped and reserved for Simone haha!

Of course, I didn't forget the hubs!

My best purchase! New babies! Can't wait. Upper seeds from microgreens IG @microgreens.sg

Another great purchase for $35! IG @the_hunters_kitchenette

I badly needed chili for lunch everyday in my work. You know why! haha
IG @shansaddiction

Simone's favorite

Yup, I got a free plant ! haha
I forgot to buy free range organic eggs! Well, I thought I can't manage and break all the eggs by the time I come home:)

Looking forward for the next one!


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