Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Okay, I promise, I will dress up with her next year!!

Simone is crazy about Disney princesses, and so she wanted to wear her Snow White costume. She had an Elsa costume with wig, but Snow White pa din.

"Mommy, Snow White like apple. Snow White eat the apple then she fall down."

Oh diba, she knows the story pa haha!

We went to Woodlands Woodgrove but unfortunately, it rained cats and dogs:( I had to carry her many times because she gets tired, it's a huge American community! It's our third time coming here for halloween and it's still amazing!

"Mommy, I'm scared to see the witch, and the ghost.." hihi cute!

Nevertheless, the houses are as usual very beautifully decorated, and I saw the best costumes but Simone always declined to take a photo! And I couldn't take photos because it was raining. sad.

But this year around, she enjoyed going from house to house and holding out her basket to receive candies. She was SO HAPPY! She could recognize a lot of her favorite characters, like Joy, Disgust, Sadness, Belle, Elsa, Anna and a lot more.

"Mommy! Call me Snow White Simone!"

With these cute boys!

The last photo, they had a small presentation going on, there was also another woman wearing a witch costume..

Rain or shine

That ghost behind lol

While waiting for the rain to stop

With these cuties giving away sweets!

Jellyfish! Simone was stunned but still didn't want a photo.

Sweetness overload!
She only ate one chocolate--Cadbury, which she recognizes whenever we go to the grocery. She didn't even ask me to open any candy. YAY!

After the madness, we went to meet my sister and brother-in-law for some dessert at Bugis!!!! Yes, from Bedok to Woodlands to Bugis. Call me a crazy momma! 



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