Monday, November 2, 2015

THE Art of Self-Feeding

Wait, what? It's October, wait November already??? Where did time go? >>This post was done in October by the way haha :)

1 month to go and Simone is turning three. THREE! I have a couple more goals for her before her third birthday, but for now, one has been ticked off: SELF-FEEDING! I am so inspired by french eating, and this is a way to start (french kids have several courses of meals, and eating, enjoying the food is a priority to them! more about that soon)

Well, Simone is my first born, so obviously, I wanted her to be heathy and make sure all the nutrient-dense food I prepare goes into her body. All of it. When she was an infant, she loves to self-feed, like eating strawberries, some biscuits. But all that super porridge, and rice, I have to spoon feed, and she doesn't like being spoon fed! My trick was to let her watch nursery rhymes videos while I feed her. And it carried on until now. In short, she won't eat unless there's an ipad or any show in front of her. And won't eat unless you spoon feed her. Spell struggle on how to break this bad habit. BLAME myself for this!

It took me a long time before I solved this, because I wasn't consistent as well. Only recently I decided to "Let it go" haha, meaning I stopped feeding her. Hardest thing ever!

The day before, I was so fed up with convincing her to eat and finish her food. i dug deeper and put myself into her shoes. Right, I also hate people pushing me to eat. Okay, I stop the ipad, let her eat without any distractions. If she doesn't touch her food, never mind, *SHE WILL GET HUNGRY LATER ANYWAY.

*But that doesn't sound good right? I made a rant about it to one of my favorite Facebook page mommy group, and the responses were mixed:

-You have to be firm, it's either they eat or they get hungry! After a few days, he decided to eat by    himself!
-Just stop. They are smart kids and learn how to feed themselves.
-Some kids are not big eaters, mine just nibble away and she's done.
-She's only 2, just feed and love her! These toddler years will fly by and be gone forever, so enjoy        these moments! (made me guilty on this one!)

  My deciding factors were that in school she can eat by herself, but sometimes wait for the teacher to feed her, because she knows she will be fed. And she is just super glued to her ipad.

First Day:

Didn't touch her food no matter what I do. I know she's super hungry but won't pick up the spoon.

I ignored and just reminded her gently that if she wants to become a big girl/good girl she needs to eat by herself. Or if she doesn't eat, she will get sick, will not grow up if she doesn't eat..


I was nearly about to spoon feed her but then I stopped myself...

I also keep offering all kinds of foods and putting it on the table in case she gets hungry.

 Looks like a homeless princess huh? She just got all the cereals and told me she wants to eat. YAY!

My first attempt at avocado egg pita and she just took it away from and refused to share! what!

Yay for more finger food!
Dinner: Hummus pita wrap, steamed carrots and corn cob, strawberries.

Well, I gave us a fair deal to 'help' her at least during dinner time.

Some tips- Don't offer so much food all the time. Give food at breakfast, lunch and dinner so they have the appetite to eat. Give finger food, and varieties. Be creative, think bento box (Simone doesn't appreciate yet, though she loves shapes) Don't force if they don't like. And always change the menu. haha.


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