Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Random Shenanigans

Today was a pretty productive day. Had a meeting, went to a new mall, then went to a carnival, rode some rides, bought a lot of arts and crafts stuff, and did face painting! You can't keep up with us! LOL All were impromptu!

Carnival: She is terrified of rides. She wants, but last minutes she chickens out, but I didn't expect that this time around, she will really jump in! Yay! Big check for milestone.

Scaredy cat NO MORE!

I was the one scared og the ferris wheel! She kept shaking it! haha

Simone is super obsessed My Little Pony Rainbow Dash--Makeup tutorial!!!! What!! She kept bugging me that she wants be paint her face like rainbow dash and had attempted to paint using watercolor and acrylic paint! I told her that we will find paint for the face. I'm happy to oblige because when she was younger, she HATES any face paint on her body/face. I found a cheap face paint ($7,usually super nice ones are like $38), thank God.

and the cutest part:

This is Rainbow Dash BTW

And Pinky Pie!

halfway doing my cat look when she told me i'll be Pinky Pie!

MUA? wahahah

She was soooo serious I swear!

Rainbow Dash or Avatar? LOLLL


May Gahd!

We had a lot of laughs doing the face paint. It was soooooo fun! I'm just happy she loves to show her creative side and explore paint--on her face (and mine.the father politely said NO wahahah) haha! I'm sure we'll get to do it in the next few days OMGGGG DIE


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm never buying commercial chocolate chip cookies again. Well.. Except from Ben's cookies, Mrs. Fields, and Famous Amos! And the Sofitel Chocolate chip cookies with pistachios, perhaps?

Recipe is here from the The Busy Baker

I used Ghirardelli semi sweet chocolate chips, it was extra yummy!

Super loves sprinkles!

Ready to put in the....fridge! For an hour if you want it chewy.




But I'm very sure that the taste is pretty much the same!

I will try better next time.. which will be tomorrow! I ate everything in one go. Sorry not sorry.


The hubby took a bite and asked, "Why so soft?" I was like, duhhhh It's supposed to be soft and chewy! That man. lol


Friday, January 15, 2016

All Day Everyday Pancakes

First question of the day upon waking up is, "Mommy, I want to eat pancakes. Can you cook pancakes?" For the first few days of holidays, until the weekend, until monday and so on! Well, at least she likes my cooking, I always think;p

And sometimes volunteers to do it herself

Always breakfast in bed, sans the tray:)

Most fulfilling part is, when she sees the pancakes, she screams, "Yay! Pancakes!" and gives a thumbs-up sign after a bite. And of course, a WIPED OUT plate:) she eats about 3-4.

I've had my fair share of failed pancakes, but this recipe is THE winner:)

Not too sinful:)
Serves 4-6.


2 cups all-purpose flour   *I use organic unbleached flour
2 tbsp. oil or butter
1/2 tsp salt                        *I use himalayan salt
4tsp baking powder
2tbsp sugar                       *I skip this, but sometimes I use Organic cane sugar
2 cups water                      *I use half water, half organic full cream milk
2 eggs
3-4 bananas
semi-sweet chocolate chips
strawberries/blueberries for toppings (optional)
Ground flaxseed
Real organic maple syrup or honey

1. Mix all the dry ingredients - flour, salt, baking powder,sugar, flax.
2. Mix all the liquids - beat the eggs, water, milk, oil/butter
3. Mash the banana in another bowl.
4. Mix together all, but don't over mix!
5. Use butter in saucepan and cook!
6. Top with fruits and drizzle with maple syrup/honey

You can also throw in a some nuts, like almonds, hemp!


Monday, January 11, 2016

The Anti-spoiled child mom

Last time I bought some books and toys from a mom, I asked her how her kids maintained the books and toys so well! She gave me a long answer, which also schooled me.

"I teach my kids to love and take care of their books and toys, because they are blessed to have it, and also they are expensive. When I was young, I did not own so many books and toys. Whenever we go to the mall, I tell them first, 'We are not going to buy anything in the store, alright? We will just take a look'. And then they see toys and ask me to buy, but I have to maintain my stand. They cry, but I need to be firm. I already started giving them allowance so that they will know the value of money. Now they are very careful on what things they should buy."

Her daughters are 5 and 8.

Okay, now I'm inspired and try to teach Simone. I always tell her that we cannot buy anything from the store before we enter (because why? there is no occasion and she cannot have everything she wants). Of course, at first she would cry on her way out, and I would explain to her that she has toys at home already, and pacify her with something else that is not a toy:) pacify her means to slowly steer her away by taking her to the playground instead, or equivalent to that.

She eventually learned how to respond when mommy says, "Simone, please put back." and not cry about it. I'm very proud of her. It took time but it is now normal for her to let go and walk away without asking me to buy. It takes a lot of patience and explanation on why we cannot buy. No scolding and negative, unnecessary remarks because you want them to sincerely believe/follow you. I do love giving 'rewards' on the other hand by surprising her with puzzles, and colored markers! She loves them a lot. And she is even more happy. I take note of the things she likes, maybe I could buy them for her on special occasions like Christmas or her birthday.

I actually hate buying toys, especially plastic ones (I'm a fan of wooden toys). Aside from expensive, kids will just dump it as soon they're done with it. I play a lot of Barbie when I was young, but now seeing Simone, I don't think I even want to buy her another one. I am very generous though in buying art supplies.

I know that there are many parents who spoil their kids by letting them choose any toy from a store every week, and I'm sure that's one of your ways to show your love, but I hope that teaching them some discipline by self-control is a better way:) I promise that they would appreciate it more if they receive toys on special occasions rather than give you weekly tantrums just because they did not get what they want. You can show your love more by spending time with them, like playing with them without your handphone in tow. And please, whatever they can do for themselves, let them do it. Let them learn.

For the love of children,

Happy 3rd Birthday Simone!

 Simone is three years old, and me, three years as a mom!!! December is my busiest (and most spendable lol) month, and I just had to say that this month, just flew by!

Many milestones were ticked off the check list like graduating from diapers completely, weaned off from formula milk, doing ballet and swimming, eating on her own, learning good manners. Some things that I'm really happy about is that she colors well, super loves puzzles, and she is doing great with her scooter and balance bike:)

Her birthday month is always so jam packed with activities and events around Singapore, so I try to make it extra special by bringing her out! The day before her birthday, I just brought her to Cool De Sac at Suntec Mall to eat her heart out and just get wild at the indoor playground:)

She wanted donuts so I bought her donuts for her 12am "salubong"! Oh I forgot how Krispy Kreme donuts taste, I think I haven't eaten a Krispy Kreme donut for like, 4 years??? (because I TRY to avoid it!)

"Today is my birthday?? YAY!" and stars jumping around. I just can't. My heart melted!

Speculoos Cookie butter, Strawberry cheesecake and chocolate dream!

She's been wanting a SKATE BOARD, I swear, whenever she sees people with skate board, she goes "Whoahhhh!" and is so amazed. I think she likes outdoor stuff! I was debating whether to get one for her, I researched about it, and well, turns out there are toddler skaters after all! I wanted this brand which sells specifically for kids, and it's made of wood, but it's not available in singapore and of course shipping is another thing. Next is Penny, I'm so in love with the pastel colors! I ended up buying this Buffy fresh prints because the print is just way too cool!

p.s. I bought her protective gear and helmet as well:) no worries!

Closer look! 

On her actual birthday, I had to work (bleh), and we just had a simple dinner:) She was just genuinely happy!

Dessert first?

We celebrated her birthday on the 30th in school. I surprised her with a Princess Aurora costume, and had put her precious princesses on her cake!

These are just "some" of the photos taken haha :)

After tea break

Take 2!

 That's about it! Now, dear time, could you stop for a while????
