Saturday, April 26, 2014

Food Wars

I never thought this would happen to me! *Snorts* Food wars, as parents call it. Simone has a pretty good appetite. She ate well all throughout her 1st birthday, and later as she learns to walk and discover other new things, eating was slowly abandoned. "What's wrong?", I asked myself. She started the throwing phase, refused to eat and throw. I made her a snack tray with all sorts of pica-pica. She flipped it. Cookies and other sweet stuff were also rejected (I was desperate) What a tough cookie. Teething? partly. But teething will take up till their 2nd birthday to complete the set! How?  It wasn't the food, my cooking is edible, or rather good (praises thy self LOL), even restaurant food, she won't even taste it and straightaway rejects it! Imagine my frustration when I take time and effort to cook for her and in split seconds, the food is now on the floor. I just laugh about it now. Unfortunately, I don't own a dog anymore, so no one will clean the messy floor but ME. I don't like feeding and chasing after her when she is playing and I want her to learn to feed herself the whole meal (only eats halfway then I feed her) and that eating is at the dining table, not anywhere she wants. Discipline please. So maybe she gets bored in a highchair? Either I cut the food into bits or give it whole, she will drop it like a hot potato. She will explore the food, play, and drop it on the floor using her spoon, and then dropping the spoon. Is it the utensils? At restaurants, sometimes she is very restless after she eats for a while and whines because she wants to get out and walk.

Having some kefir with fruits while watching, of course.

I've researched this issue and found out that it is COMPLETELY NORMAL for toddlers to do this as they are busy exploring the world. I'm glad I'm not alone. I have read worst stories, and I felt a little bit better.

The best advice I read is that, "If your child doesn't want to eat, you have to be patient and find a way to put something inside their tummies without forcing them." Tough huh? It is ironic to this common advice-- "Let them be, don't force them to eat as they will eat when they are hungry, toddlers are smarter than what we give them credit for." Makes sense too. But... I feel guilty if I don't do anything.

Bestest advice from me: Relax, it's just food. Make mealtimes a happy one. You can try again later. There are bigger problems in the world. Follow your heart mama!!! (As if it's so easy to do!)

Some kids will just drink milk to fill up their empty stomachs, and pediatricians recommend to reduce the milk or completely take it away so they will have room for food. Ugh that's another problem. For my lil monster, most of the time she needs entertainment (good one or else she won't eat) and she will open her mouth. Silly girl. But the thing is, I can't let her watch cartoons all the time. I want her to concentrate and enjoy her food just like the French do, (oh and I needed to buy that book called French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon) 

From the book "French Kids Eat Everything".
Do you agree with #7? I do give snacks:)

Think, think,think. I bought her new utensils where she might be interested in: Elmo spoon and fork in metal, since she likes using what adults use, I almost bought a new plate too, but no. Removed cartoon watching at lunch (the replacement is ME, singing and clapping and praising her whenever she is able to feed herself--talk about performance level!), and only using it during dinner. Lastly, I started eating with her. We eat together now so she will see me eating and copy what I'm doing. Sometimes I don't eat with her just because I'm not hungry yet or eat later, but I figured that eating together is the most important part. So far, I think she is enjoying her utensils, and says "Mmm!" when she eats. Relieved. One rule I imposed is when she starts to throw food, I give her a warning and explain that food is not for throwing but eating. Second time around she does it, meal is over. When she refuses food, I give one more try and if nothing happens, it's done-zo!

Who wouldn't resist Elmo?

And NO, being a Stay-at-home mom is NEVER an easy life! Tougher than my first job where I had the worst boss. It is the toughest job in the world! I always lose to a lil monster. haha.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Maximize The Energy

I felt like I accomplished a lot today! I was able to feed Simone on the table without any entertainment involved (except me singing songs and some clapping). She has to be "busy" in order for her to eat. Since she was six months, I would put an ipad/laptop in front of her so she can watch while eating, not unless if everyone is eating because my family will entertain her of course. Here in Singapore, we're only 2 on the table (bummer, and Kevin's family doesn't eat together on the table. I don't know why) and she gets bored and whine, so I did that. She can eat by herself, but will stop midway because, she is watching! Yep, so I had to remove the lappy. I'm so glad she finished lunch without it. Dinner, she watched because she saw my lappy. I have to hide it starting tomorrow.

She didn't nap, had her snack, played music, danced and jumped a lot and wanted to watch more, and rather than watch, I figured we should go to the playground instead before it rains. Thank God it didn't. She had a longer play time which was good because for the past days, it would always rain on late afternoon. We would always go down everyday and play for at least an hour. Physical activities are so important! I'm planning art activities for us soon. Yay I'm so excited.

Just learned how to step in and out of this circle. But I always had to go in first so she will follow me.Yup I was exhausted. 

Care for a pose?

Always blurred on toddlers.

I only got to appreciate this playground downstairs. Cute huh.

I can't believe you're growing up before my very eyes!

I wanted to make mushroom soup from scratch for the longest time, because hubby would order whenever we eat out and Simone loves it. Duh, I don't want to give her Campbell's (even if I grew up eating it), Now that I'm more aware of food ingredients in processed food, I rarely buy canned goods (just guilty of spicy tuna in can). I haven't really experimented on mushrooms, and I don't know how to clean fresh mushrooms. Oh yeah, there's always Google--cleaning wasn't hard at all. . Whatever, I bought fresh shiitake 'shrooms, sauteed it with coconut oil, rosemary and basil. delish! I freezed half because we can't finish the whole pack. Then I proceeded to make the soup but then decided to make creamy garlic mushroom pasta without the guilt! No heavy cream, just used soy milk and blended it, came out a creamy thick sauce.  Well, I didn't get to take a photo of it because I gobbled it haha! Simone liked it too, I guess, she finished a huge serving. It just fees so good to create endless dishes in the kitchen you thought you can only eat in a restaurant! It's gonna be a staple in the kitchen soon! We'll try to have mushroom every week or everyday, as Dr. Fuhrman says! tootles!



Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

What a Sunday for me! From getting up super early (well, 8-ish is considered early for me!), hurrying to church, catching the bus, and the massive crowd of people at the church! After that, we straightaway went to Sentosa. I hadn't eaten anything when we left and I just had a major mental disorder (LOL). I told my sister that we should take this train on platform A(?) unconsciously, to which I'm used to, whenever I'm at Bedok MRT,  but we were at Tampines MRT! So we ended up in Pasir Ris wahahaha! My sister even asked me twice and I said there's a way so she believed me!

The Egg Fiesta was held in Emerald Pavilion at Siloso Beach Station. The set-up was cute! First we did the egg design, it was fun seeing Simone curiously watching what we were doing. Good. More exposure please.  I prefer an artsy-fartsy daughter than a brain child! hihi. While designing, A band of 3  (dad,s on and daughter) were singing on stage, plus a Hen mascot telling stories which was bleh.

I didn't make an Easter basket for her, because she won't get to appreciate it yet:) Next year promise!

We're doing the art while she's on the phone!

Kid at heart!


wahahaha! Don't judge!

After that we proceeded to the Egg hunt which was totally ridiculous! They made us balance on the eggs planted in the soil and walk, and if you crush the eggs, well, you don't get to go egg hunting. I crushed a lot! hahah! But I didn't want any of those, I just want a photo taken at the "garden" which they didn't allow. UGH. Seriously you guys. It's supposed to be fun, We queued so long and we didn't get anything. Plus it took extra long because they have to replace the crushed eggs all the time.  What about the other kids who didn't make it? Reject and try again means you will have to queue again. The lady crew told me to wash my feet and pointed the way, and when I was going to the area ,  a guy crew thought we were going to the garden and suddenly stopped us and said, "Ooh, you're wearing shoes you cannot go in." In a hissy way. The eff we are not going in your precious garden it's all yours!!! wahaha! BOO. MOVING ON.

We went to Port Of Lost Wonder again this time with my sister. We wore green swimsuits!

My chubby yumyum


She kept dragging my sister here. HAHAHA.

Chillin' like a villain.

I wished we had gone to the Quayside Isle!!!! I totally forgot about it...... it was just so busy. Even if I live here, I want to explore the newest or places I haven't been to! Yes, Quayside Isle is in my bucket list of this year. And the Grandstand. :) 

Oh, and here's a cute knocked-out vid of Simone! wahaha



Thursday, April 17, 2014

Toddlers' Day Out

How I wish we were in a short getaway or a staycation somewhere for Holy Week! Everyone's just in a vacay:( Hubby's in reservist. Nevertheless I'm glad I'm with my lil fambam. Anyway, I suddenly felt an impulse to bring Simone to a small water park nearby (Tampines Mall). I was hesitant to let her play at the water park, because when we got there, the skies turned gray, there's no shade in the center and we were at the rooftop of a mall!!! I'm scared of getting hit by lightning and the thunder sound! hehe. I let her play in the slide and see-saw first and observed for a while (no lightning and thunder though). There were 2 kids playing in the water. Whatever, I changed her to her swimsuit and led her to the side with the shade. Suddenly, people are coming with their kids! Yay Simone has playmates.

Testing the waters

The fun starts!

Surprisingly, she prefers this over a huge water park, which is kind of intimidating.

She's the only one wearing a swimsuit; Everyone's in diapers! One lil guy came later in a rash guard.

Hi baby girl! so busy?

They're like holding hands haha. 

Those chunky legs are <3

What's up baby girl? He's wondering.

That baby wearing a rash guard. Want to buy for Simone too! 

I love that mini slide! Toddler size.

Familiar feeling? LOL

Thank God it didn't rain! Knocked-out after this as usual. Went grocery shopping because tomorrow is Good Friday, no meat day. I'm kind of obsessed with Sesame Noodles with tofu and anything fried garlic tofu! I fry it with coconut oil and it's damn delicious! yumyum.... gonna share it soon. My kitchen has been replenished!! MIL brought kiwis and strawberries AND pasta noodles too yay! 

Looking forward to Easter..Advanced Ya'll <3



Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We just got home and I was about to finish cooking dinner when I remembered I forgot to buy coffee. I told MIL that I just needed to buy something at the store downstairs and look after Simone first. She saw me leaving and quickly clung to my legs and cried and won't let go. I promise it's a super quick stop like 5 minutes and bringing her along will become 15-20 because she will walk(ex: look for cats, stop and say hi, stare for a while and say bye, explore etc) and will refuse to go home haha. I distracted her and managed to escape. YAY! When I reached home, she saw me entering the house, and realized that I had gone out without her, she almost ran to me and clung to my legs again and wailed! Following that she made a dramatic scene, down on her knees and hands on the floor sobbing hard, what meant like, "Mama, Why did you leave without me??" (or "Why did you trick me?" LOL) I think she felt really betrayed! I swear it was sooo cute, but I felt super guilty too. She can't get over it! She eventually stopped crying,  had her dinner (baked salmon with olive oil, lemon and rosemary with spinach and brown rice) and freshly squeezed OJ (her current favorite.)  She was in a good mood throughout.

Tomorrow hubby will be going for reservist for 2 weeks. UGH. Visited him at his work place and brought him his favorite Popeye's chicken because he has been super busy these past few days. Super busy meaning working from 10:30am-10:15pm, then the next day he has to go training at 8am-5pm, then go to work till 10:15 Theeeen the next day he has to wake up at 5:30am and go to reservist training. Cray.

Knocked-out Simone

I didn't bring her pram today so she walked pretty long. She loves escalators especially travelators, she's a pro now! And I'm the exhausted mama, carried her when she gets tired or sleeping, with the diaper bag and groceries. I should really put on her harness, I went crazy chasing after her! One funny part was when she already waved goodbye to her dad, held my hand and walked, suddenly the song "Ice, ice baby" intro came in and she heard it, she stopped immediately and danced! wahahha. Well she got it from her momma!

It's gonna be 2 long weeks. sucks.

waiting for 5:30.



Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Fun at Cluny Court

I have been looking for cute Easter activities for Simone and I'm so happy we went to Cluny Court! I wish I live in that area. I LOVE the community there. Everyone is just so positively happy, smiling and sharing.

I love the concept.

Simone is obsessed balloons and will want to grab any balloon she sees, so balloon sculpting was our first stop. There was a long queue inside the store Small (which I absolutely love! the kids shoes are simple but amaze) There was also a bunny girl walking around, distributing easter egg chocolates. I let her eat a few to kill time:)

Balloon Sculpting at Small store

Happy kiddo

Next stop we saw this

Simone sat on the chair by herself! She saw the colorful sticker tattoos spread out on the table. She was kind of scared when the lady sticks the butterfly tatt on her arm. Too bad Simone can't see it enough haha.

Wow just a few steps I saw some popcorn!!! I asked how much, and boy it's free yay for free kettle corn!

Someone's clearly hungry!

Played with some coloring materials...and started to throw them on the floor.... NEXT!

My Tatt you likey??

Cute kiddos

She went straight in the store The Children's Showcase because there's a huge table full of papers, cups and stickers. We designed a cup. Please don't judge haha Simone kept grabbing the glue and scissors I can't concentrate enough! I'm going back there to buy those super cute plates and utensils for Simone!!!!!!

It's soo F-U-N

wahaha don't judge!

Grabbing everything she sees *sighs*

Caricature! Yes we had this. Unfortunately we look kinda weird in the drawing (Aren't they supposed to? haha)

Our first caricature!

These boys are so cute!

Face Painting! Simone doesn't like her face being touched:( yup so we had it on her leg.. Beautiful butterflies with hearts.

Face painting galore!

At The Children's Showcase store.

Simone kept looking at her butterflies.

I wished she had a bunny face paint.. next time!

Have I not mentioned that everything was free? But the best part is, no one was aggressive just because it's free. Everyone was warm and cheerful. I love this place! Surely going back soon to try Relish resto and buy plates and shoes for Simone!!!

You may check more of their shops at
