Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Maximize The Energy

I felt like I accomplished a lot today! I was able to feed Simone on the table without any entertainment involved (except me singing songs and some clapping). She has to be "busy" in order for her to eat. Since she was six months, I would put an ipad/laptop in front of her so she can watch while eating, not unless if everyone is eating because my family will entertain her of course. Here in Singapore, we're only 2 on the table (bummer, and Kevin's family doesn't eat together on the table. I don't know why) and she gets bored and whine, so I did that. She can eat by herself, but will stop midway because, she is watching! Yep, so I had to remove the lappy. I'm so glad she finished lunch without it. Dinner, she watched because she saw my lappy. I have to hide it starting tomorrow.

She didn't nap, had her snack, played music, danced and jumped a lot and wanted to watch more, and rather than watch, I figured we should go to the playground instead before it rains. Thank God it didn't. She had a longer play time which was good because for the past days, it would always rain on late afternoon. We would always go down everyday and play for at least an hour. Physical activities are so important! I'm planning art activities for us soon. Yay I'm so excited.

Just learned how to step in and out of this circle. But I always had to go in first so she will follow me.Yup I was exhausted. 

Care for a pose?

Always blurred on toddlers.

I only got to appreciate this playground downstairs. Cute huh.

I can't believe you're growing up before my very eyes!

I wanted to make mushroom soup from scratch for the longest time, because hubby would order whenever we eat out and Simone loves it. Duh, I don't want to give her Campbell's (even if I grew up eating it), Now that I'm more aware of food ingredients in processed food, I rarely buy canned goods (just guilty of spicy tuna in can). I haven't really experimented on mushrooms, and I don't know how to clean fresh mushrooms. Oh yeah, there's always Google--cleaning wasn't hard at all. . Whatever, I bought fresh shiitake 'shrooms, sauteed it with coconut oil, rosemary and basil. delish! I freezed half because we can't finish the whole pack. Then I proceeded to make the soup but then decided to make creamy garlic mushroom pasta without the guilt! No heavy cream, just used soy milk and blended it, came out a creamy thick sauce.  Well, I didn't get to take a photo of it because I gobbled it haha! Simone liked it too, I guess, she finished a huge serving. It just fees so good to create endless dishes in the kitchen you thought you can only eat in a restaurant! It's gonna be a staple in the kitchen soon! We'll try to have mushroom every week or everyday, as Dr. Fuhrman says! tootles!



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