Thursday, April 17, 2014

Toddlers' Day Out

How I wish we were in a short getaway or a staycation somewhere for Holy Week! Everyone's just in a vacay:( Hubby's in reservist. Nevertheless I'm glad I'm with my lil fambam. Anyway, I suddenly felt an impulse to bring Simone to a small water park nearby (Tampines Mall). I was hesitant to let her play at the water park, because when we got there, the skies turned gray, there's no shade in the center and we were at the rooftop of a mall!!! I'm scared of getting hit by lightning and the thunder sound! hehe. I let her play in the slide and see-saw first and observed for a while (no lightning and thunder though). There were 2 kids playing in the water. Whatever, I changed her to her swimsuit and led her to the side with the shade. Suddenly, people are coming with their kids! Yay Simone has playmates.

Testing the waters

The fun starts!

Surprisingly, she prefers this over a huge water park, which is kind of intimidating.

She's the only one wearing a swimsuit; Everyone's in diapers! One lil guy came later in a rash guard.

Hi baby girl! so busy?

They're like holding hands haha. 

Those chunky legs are <3

What's up baby girl? He's wondering.

That baby wearing a rash guard. Want to buy for Simone too! 

I love that mini slide! Toddler size.

Familiar feeling? LOL

Thank God it didn't rain! Knocked-out after this as usual. Went grocery shopping because tomorrow is Good Friday, no meat day. I'm kind of obsessed with Sesame Noodles with tofu and anything fried garlic tofu! I fry it with coconut oil and it's damn delicious! yumyum.... gonna share it soon. My kitchen has been replenished!! MIL brought kiwis and strawberries AND pasta noodles too yay! 

Looking forward to Easter..Advanced Ya'll <3



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