Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We just got home and I was about to finish cooking dinner when I remembered I forgot to buy coffee. I told MIL that I just needed to buy something at the store downstairs and look after Simone first. She saw me leaving and quickly clung to my legs and cried and won't let go. I promise it's a super quick stop like 5 minutes and bringing her along will become 15-20 because she will walk(ex: look for cats, stop and say hi, stare for a while and say bye, explore etc) and will refuse to go home haha. I distracted her and managed to escape. YAY! When I reached home, she saw me entering the house, and realized that I had gone out without her, she almost ran to me and clung to my legs again and wailed! Following that she made a dramatic scene, down on her knees and hands on the floor sobbing hard, what meant like, "Mama, Why did you leave without me??" (or "Why did you trick me?" LOL) I think she felt really betrayed! I swear it was sooo cute, but I felt super guilty too. She can't get over it! She eventually stopped crying,  had her dinner (baked salmon with olive oil, lemon and rosemary with spinach and brown rice) and freshly squeezed OJ (her current favorite.)  She was in a good mood throughout.

Tomorrow hubby will be going for reservist for 2 weeks. UGH. Visited him at his work place and brought him his favorite Popeye's chicken because he has been super busy these past few days. Super busy meaning working from 10:30am-10:15pm, then the next day he has to go training at 8am-5pm, then go to work till 10:15 Theeeen the next day he has to wake up at 5:30am and go to reservist training. Cray.

Knocked-out Simone

I didn't bring her pram today so she walked pretty long. She loves escalators especially travelators, she's a pro now! And I'm the exhausted mama, carried her when she gets tired or sleeping, with the diaper bag and groceries. I should really put on her harness, I went crazy chasing after her! One funny part was when she already waved goodbye to her dad, held my hand and walked, suddenly the song "Ice, ice baby" intro came in and she heard it, she stopped immediately and danced! wahahha. Well she got it from her momma!

It's gonna be 2 long weeks. sucks.

waiting for 5:30.



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