Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

What a Sunday for me! From getting up super early (well, 8-ish is considered early for me!), hurrying to church, catching the bus, and the massive crowd of people at the church! After that, we straightaway went to Sentosa. I hadn't eaten anything when we left and I just had a major mental disorder (LOL). I told my sister that we should take this train on platform A(?) unconsciously, to which I'm used to, whenever I'm at Bedok MRT,  but we were at Tampines MRT! So we ended up in Pasir Ris wahahaha! My sister even asked me twice and I said there's a way so she believed me!

The Egg Fiesta was held in Emerald Pavilion at Siloso Beach Station. The set-up was cute! First we did the egg design, it was fun seeing Simone curiously watching what we were doing. Good. More exposure please.  I prefer an artsy-fartsy daughter than a brain child! hihi. While designing, A band of 3  (dad,s on and daughter) were singing on stage, plus a Hen mascot telling stories which was bleh.

I didn't make an Easter basket for her, because she won't get to appreciate it yet:) Next year promise!

We're doing the art while she's on the phone!

Kid at heart!


wahahaha! Don't judge!

After that we proceeded to the Egg hunt which was totally ridiculous! They made us balance on the eggs planted in the soil and walk, and if you crush the eggs, well, you don't get to go egg hunting. I crushed a lot! hahah! But I didn't want any of those, I just want a photo taken at the "garden" which they didn't allow. UGH. Seriously you guys. It's supposed to be fun, We queued so long and we didn't get anything. Plus it took extra long because they have to replace the crushed eggs all the time.  What about the other kids who didn't make it? Reject and try again means you will have to queue again. The lady crew told me to wash my feet and pointed the way, and when I was going to the area ,  a guy crew thought we were going to the garden and suddenly stopped us and said, "Ooh, you're wearing shoes you cannot go in." In a hissy way. The eff we are not going in your precious garden it's all yours!!! wahaha! BOO. MOVING ON.

We went to Port Of Lost Wonder again this time with my sister. We wore green swimsuits!

My chubby yumyum


She kept dragging my sister here. HAHAHA.

Chillin' like a villain.

I wished we had gone to the Quayside Isle!!!! I totally forgot about it...... it was just so busy. Even if I live here, I want to explore the newest or places I haven't been to! Yes, Quayside Isle is in my bucket list of this year. And the Grandstand. :) 

Oh, and here's a cute knocked-out vid of Simone! wahaha



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