Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wear Your Baby in Style

I lost my beloved Baby K'Tan carrier the night before we left for Manila! I almost cried at Plaza Singapura Mall as I frantically searched for it, went to the places I walked. It couldn't be so fast that someone would pick it up and throw it away? Went to the info desk, no lost and found, I even approached the cleaners but sadly, they couldn't understand english (they're from China, I think) My heart crushed as we headed home. Well, at least I can buy one in Manila.

It's been with me since Simone was about 2 months old. Before that, I had a wrap around sling which I found difficult, as I needed to wrap it perfectly on my body, not loose and not tight, before putting Simone in. As a newborn, they needed to be carried most of the time, and I want an easier way.

Normal carriers don't appeal to me because it's not stylish enough, seriously. I also want something that can be carried in various positions, not just front and back.

Baby wearing has a lot of benefits, aside from being hands-free! Best benefit is that they cry less, because they are already being held and that's what every baby wants. Here's an article on why you should wear your baby and its benefits from Dr, William Sears , renowned Pediatrician. 

I have lots of memories with my sling.

Here's us trying it out.

Feb20 (almost 2 months)

Out and about in Bedok.

March 12 (2 1/2 months)

Having a quick sushi:

March 19 (3 months 3 weeks)

Simone practically grew up in her sling. I can wash her bottles, and other chores while "wearing" her. There was a period when she would only sleep if I wear her in a particular position. Wait, it's ANY position as long as she is being carried! Yup, she ain't fussy:)

Eating Organic beef burgers at The Farm Organics.

May 8, 2013

and more zzzzzz...

Shopping! She was just so comfy here.

Getting heavier; walking around Bugis Junction.

July 29, 2013
Fell asleep while strolling at BGC.

Aug 26, 2013

Just woke up at Orchard Road.

Can you see the transition? :)

This time I chose the "Breeze" style because it has mesh material, thus lighter and more breathable.

Grunge look :) Sleeping as usual.

May 23, 2014
*Take note, I don't use the sash AKA supporter because I'm not used to it. :)

I got my first carrier at My Baby Dragon , and my second one at Rustan's Department Store in Manila at PHP2,850. Unfortunately, I cannot find one here in Singapore. Their website has a retailer but the website is not found.

You may visit their official website Baby K'Tan .

Happy Baby Wearing!



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