Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sharing is Caring

Simone totally freaked out when two boys had started to play with her precious Minnie Mouse ball this afternoon. She was on the slide when she saw them. REALLY freaked out, she cried, shouted and managed to snatch the ball and ran to me (picture below). I'm talking about boys who are like 12yrs old. I told her to share but she won't, eventually the ball was into the boys' hands again and she started crying angrily (my bad, I gave it away hihi). I can't help but laugh because it's the first time i've seen her so angry to other kids. Actually it was hilarious. I just carried her and kept telling that she has to share her toys so other kids can play too, while watching the kids play ball.

"Mommy, they took my ball!"
(FYI, took off her slippers when she was on the slide 'cause they keep falling off)

Before, it wasn't like that, a baby boy younger than her played with her ball too and she took it away and said "No no no!" Cute. Then a little girl around 5 started to play with her and the ball and she was okay.

Is this a boy thing? Haha. 

I'm actually enjoying this toddlerhood thing (We are conversing now!!it's soo fun to see her facial expressions and answers). And motherhood of course. 

Tantrums are fun too, uh am I being sarcastic now? Lol

The thing is, just don't let it get into your nerves or you lose to a toddler.  I just laugh it out once I realize she gets me! Mothers are slightly insane. I think I'm more than slight!LOL


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