Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Homework for tonight is finding a healthy version of chicken nuggets. Today is the second time hubby ordered chicken nuggets for Simone, of course she loves it, who doesn't love fried food? Just that she doesn't need too much oil and cholesterol at age 1. LOL. I am now introducing her to more finger foods, such as those empty calorie and nutrient biscuits, just so she can practice nibbling and more sensory skills. I think she likes the crunchy sound when she bites. She doesn't really finish one, she will give me half of the cookie and take another one again. So I'm not worried there won't be space for real food LOL. Yesterday she was so hungry, when she saw the plate she grabbed the spoon and fork and helped herself. Great. Kids will eat when they are hungry. Proven!

Easy dinner: Steamed veggies, mashed potatoes (mixed in milk&parmesan), and baked salmon in olive oil, garlic,lemon and some rosemary;p Nowadays I can't get food done fast as she wants to be carried so she can see what I'm cooking! If I put her down, she will scream ughhh. "Chef in the making".... think positive.

My phone's LCD went black again, another excuse to go out and have it fixed. Thank God for the warranty. Anyway here is her OOTD. Trying to maximize everything in her closet as she is growing up so fast! Another excuse to buy new clothes :)

Daddy's booboo ;p Diet diet!

As for toddler updates, Tantrums are so like an everyday chore, I just tell her to stop, explain and wait for her to get over it. She becoming more independent as she wants to have her own seat in the bus. Or most likely just wanted to copy us adults.

She has learned to say "Oh no!" if there's any booboo. I have yet to capture it. When it rains, she will point outside and will say "Naining" (raining) And a bunch of other words!

And she has learned to pinch her nose whenever she pooped! I wish you can tell me beforehand so I can rush you to your potty! Let's #werq on that LOL

I need more recipes:) let me know..



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