Thursday, June 19, 2014

Toddler Eats: Mushroom Cream Pasta

Easy peasy. It doesn't have to be complicated. I am not able to give you guys exact measurements because I don't measure :p I'm like The Pioneer Woman, just love the way she presents her recipes.

I used linguine pasta, organic coconut oil, garlic, shiitake mushrooms, 1 cube (of an ice cube tray) of home made chicken stock, organic cow's full cream milk, Parmesan cheese (not the grated one)

Boil water with some salt and cook the linguine. You may add olive oil too.

Meanwhile, Put some coconut oil in the pan and add garlic, followed by the 'shrooms, chicken stock and milk. Add some salt and/or soy sauce for flavor. Remember to taste.  Let it simmer for a while, cool it down, transfer to a food processor or blender and blend away. 

Transfer back into the pan, all creamy and add the pasta. Mix. You may add the cheese to make it creamier. Mmm. Place in a cute plate and add more cheese. Done-zo.

*You may skip the pasta and make this as a soup! Home made mushroom soup. Please, let go of Campbell's. It has too many ingredients! or too many chemicals perhaps?

Did it on purpose: I like the pasta swimming in cream sauce. 

You won't regret.

I love watching her eat. Priceless. The mess is worth it
*excuse the hubby sleeping :)

Can toddlers have truffle oil? I want to put some:) Or just on mine. Aaand you may want to put some arugula/anything green to make it a tad bit healthier:)

*Mushrooms are a great replacement for meat and is one of the healthiest foods. It contains vitamin D, and a bunch more, and is a powerful anti-oxidant. Strong immune system builder and anti-cancer food.

I try to include mushrooms in most of Simone's meals:)



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