Friday, July 11, 2014

Busy Bee

Today was just the most exhausting (but happiest) day!

Simone wakes up at 11:30 and tells me "weh-weh" or wee-wee which means she wants to pee:) so i brought her to the bathroom and when i removed her diaper, she had already pooped:) #hashtagtoilettraining! Wonderful. But the whole day she was in diapers so tomorrow we will be back to square one again, but she would always hold her diaper and say weh-weh every time she would pee. At least she is aware of that already.

I still had to bathe her, wash bottles, cook, feed, wash dishes, and clean her up again before an appointment with the school. Not mentioning a quick prep on myself. Still had to photocopy documents, walk here and there. Tiring:) Simone is now officially enrolled in toddler school! Oh no I'm having future separation anxiety attacks already!!!!! exagge but true lol

"Mile!" when she sees a camera.

I had to pin her down in her stroller so I can strap her because she didn't want to leave the school!!! Ugh don't worry baby sarting August you'll spend your whole day there.. :)

Future classmates

I seriously wanna take that baby girl home!!!! she is also 18 months.

We left the school around almost 3pm, and went to Raffles Hotel to meet up my college bestfriend who flew in from Macau. Nothing's changed! Our other BFF came in around 7 and had dinner.


Done at 9, bought a birthday cake for my father-in-law, can you imagine me pushing a stroller with Simone in, plus a diaper bag and a cake hanging on it? Well you can guess how I carried everything when we rode the bus LOL. (I refuse to take a cab because the queue is long and its expensive and the list goes on:))

When I opened the door, I immediately sang Happy Birthday and had no reactions from my in-laws. Maybe they don't recognize the song in english? I took the cake out, greeted him happy birthday, lit the candle and planted it on the cake. I called him and said he's gonna blow his candle. Turns out he didn't understand everything I said LOL. Mother-in-law wouldn't participate in singing and taking of photos. Just for fun, it's a birthday:) Oh well :) Kevin came and I asked him why didn't he greet his dad, and turns out they don't greet each other????? All of them. WHAT. I mean WHY. Is it in their culture?  I get it. Maybe that's why they have no clue or wasn't interested at all in what I'm doing. FAIL! Anyway.... At least Simone gets a photo op with her grandfather.

Happy Birthday Ah-Gong!

Flashback Friday to last year!

Simone didn't eat much today, so I had to whip up late dinner and bathe her, put her to bed early and she slept like a husband! Lol. And I downloaded and got to watch Suits right away. Worth the two week wait!  Ughhh watch your ego, Mike Ross!!

 Great day it was!!!!


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