Monday, July 21, 2014

HE is with me:)

I received 3 big bags of clothes! 2 bags for Simone, from my sister-in-law, who has 2 daughters (I think I need a bigger closet for Simone!)  and one huge bag from my grandmother-in-law's neighbor. I thought the latter is for Simone too, as her granddaughter is more than 2 years old and wanted to hand me down some clothes. When I checked it, whoah! A lot of smart casual clothes from foreign brands and local designer online shop, Love,Bonito. Only catch is that most of it are medium sized (I'm a small). Dang I must gain some weight! LOL. Material of clothes are mostly chiffon, which I like.

Going to interviews (as I'm looking for a job), I needed to wear smart casual attire (at least) but I don't want to spend money just so I can wear some. I'd rather use it on grocery shopping and make pasta at home..and some useful educational toys:)

A few weeks ago, I also received a bag of cute clothes from my uncle-in-law's girlfriend. Jeez, I think I would need another closet! Oh, and some shirts from my friend Marcia, from her daughter too.

I can't thank him enough for the blessings. Financial woes will ALWAYS be there (whether you're rich or poor), but I'm just soooo grateful, and content right now. 

I think God gave me those clothes to prepare me for my upcoming job:) He sure knows I love vintage stuff! I believe the right job for me is just out there waiting. 

Patience and prayers are so powerful.



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