Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Zonked Out Momma

Only half way to being a legit terrible two, I can say that she is already there! I am getting burned out seriously. Not complaining, but it's getting more tiring. I usually clean up when she's napping, but I just passed out haha!

Today was a productive day for the both of us. Woke up early enough to make homemade chicken nuggets. I made it really fast because Simone might wake up soon haha. Finally had our painting activity. She kept on saying "weh-whoah" for yellow, and would clap and say "wow!" every time she would swish the brush and see the color on the pad. Cute!!! 

My future Claude Monet LOL

Paint, stand, clap, and say "wow!"

Just prayed she won't pee on my new shoes LOL. She didn't. She can walk well on those.

I hadn't been so disciplined (I mean doing) on her potty learning, because we would always need to go out... Nevertheless, she will always say if she pees and poop! She knows the difference so yay for that. Whenever we are at home, I would just take off her diaper. (I have another potty in the bathroom and this... just so I wouldn't have to run all the way there LOL)

Who knew potty could be so amusing?

She had also officially played with our neighbor's dog. Official I mean by patting the dog more than several times and letting Lola (dog's name) lick her hands and she would feel ticklish and laugh. No pic, I'm too tired.

I have a new go- to grocery place! It used to be Fair Price Finest in Bedok Mall, but Fair Price in Bedok Town Center is cool too! They don't have the spinach that I usually buy, but it's just walking distance.

Because I saw this!!! I only saw this here. They have a promo, that's 2 pints for $27.85. Too bad I'm carrying a lot already (and I can't pick 2 flavors, because I want all 3) so maybe tomorrow(?) 

Why isn't there a promo for 3 pints?

And this! Lemme have this instead of the cookie butter. But I hope the cookie butter will be available soon!

"Every coffee needs a Lotus."
Simple pleasures.

Tomorrow is another day.




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