Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's time for a scooter!

I've been eye-ing to buy her a Cruzee for a long time! It is a balance bike, and it only weighs 1.9kg. I already know where to buy. LOL Eggzoited, but maybe end of the year:) We got something else.

Ugh this is the new 2014 pink! Badass!!!

Here is a 2 year old.

Simone has been grabbing kids' scooters whenever we are at the playground and refused to let go, hence, a tantrum afterwards. So we finally bought her one. Explore outdoor activities more! It's okay to stumble and fall, it's part of toddlerhood:) What I mean is that, just be there for supervision. I watch her every move LOL.

This is the new scooter of the generation LOL.  It's the 3-in-1 Y Glider scooter for 1-5 years old. I wish there was black color, it's just too pink. You can fix the seat like that or remove it once they are ready to stand and balance. She prefers to stand as she sees other kids like that.

More practice!

Of course I have to push her around until she learns on her own. Talk about backaches. Never mind. She loves it. Excuse my horrible hair! It screams "hair treatment!" 



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